Chapter 17 | 'Letters & Realization' |

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"Can I ask you a stupid question?"

I was currently in the Gryffindor common room with Noah. I was sharpening my knives, sitting with my legs bent to my left on the cushion. I can feel the stares the lions are giving me while the sound of metal and metal scraping echoed the room.

"Shoot it."

I inspected the knife and flipped around, the blade cutting through the air dangerously, my brother flinching every time it made a whooshing sound. I caught it and looked at him questioningly, "Is there a place where you can cut your hair? Because you need a new haircut."

"What is wrong with my hair?" He defended, touching his hair consciously.

"Nothing much." I played with his strand of hair as I added, "it's just that I think you can have a different hairstyle."

Noah frowned deeply in response. I gave him an innocent smile and brought out a pocket mirror and handed it to him. 

He took it, raising an eyebrow and asked incredulously, "Do you always carry a mirror?"

I shrugged my shoulders and continued to smile widely, twirling my knife casually. He checked his hair with the mirror and I went to my next blade to sharpen. I looked up when someone approached our couch.

"How are you, Lily?"

The red-head smiled, then rolled her eyes good-naturedly and joined us on the couch.

"I'm good if it wasn't for Potter being such a pain in the neck."

The mention of the Marauder made me rethink the time when I met him and his other two friends in, later I learned, the Shrieking Shack. I pursed my lips, the corner of my mouth curving downwards at the memory but shook it off, replacing it with a smile.

"Good to know nothing has changed," I replied. I took my mirror from Noah who handed it back to me and tucked it in the small pouch on the belt, along with my knife. "So, is there a barber?"

"No. Not that I don't know of it."

I hummed, nodding while pursing my lips. "Okay." I looked up when I heard familiar voices, Lily letting out a groan when we heard a particular one. James and Sirius came walking to us and sat in two different chairs close to us.

"Hey, Evans. How are you doing?"

"I've been better."

I coughed to contain my laugh that was about to escape, hiding my grin with my fist. Glancing at Sirius, I found him smiling at me. I lowered my hand and returned the gesture, quickly looking away from him when the usual bickering started between Lily and James.

"Oh, boy. This never gets old," I muttered under my breath with an amused chuckle. I laid back on the sofa and rested my head on Noah's shoulder and stared dazedly at the flickering fire.

"Lian?" I glanced up at the call of my name from my brother. 

I hummed in response with a small smile on my face. 

"I'm glad you're here."

"Me too."

He planted a small kiss to my temple and we spent the time together watching the fire, hearing the bickering as background noise.


I twisted my bacon that was stabbed by a fork and looked at it without any particular attention. My thoughts, as always, were whirring around swiftly, thinking about random things and memories. But today, my mind was mostly occupied with thoughts of Theodosius and the whereabouts of Percy. I wasn't aware of the conversation that was passed between my friends, but one specific comment made me stop my thoughts and focus my attention on them.

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