3 - Gala part 1

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The gala and auction were about begin. Miya found her seat from the coordinator and it was somewhere in the last row.

Risa was meanwhile in front rows.
Miya had done her homework and thankfully for her knew whose who of the industry were attending the gala. The gala was not a mega event but was an intimate one with over 100 people attending.

Reynold was the host and on his entrance there was a collective applause from the crowd . He was a charmer.

There was lot of models, fashion magazine  editors, designers, actors and industry millionaires and producers and directors.

Rey: Welcome to gala 2020 people .
So this year, we will have two mega auctions, one select your girl for dance and three post gala party.
Our anchor will start with the auction while I myself will join for auction from audience. Once again I am very happy to host it for 10th year celebrations

Reynold Stefan went to the last row and sat with Miya. It was his custom to sit in the last row so he could have full view of people.

He was sitting almost in diagonal opposite to her and with his one glance at her, he set her eyes on her. She was like a porcelain doll. He hadn't seen any people so modestly dressed with no vulgarity but he thought he would wait till the gala auction to have his move on her.

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