4 - Gala part 2

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Auction begins

There were two items for the first auction:
One was his very own vintage Porsche of nude blue colour bought in 1920s.
Guest 1:  I bid 100000 dollars
Guest 2 : I bid 150000 dollars
And finally it was settled for 650000 dollars from one reputed guest

The second auction item was his one of his mansion in carribean island

The item was hotspot with almost 50 lakhs dollars was it bid for.

Auction went well and Reynold felt pretty happy about the amount going to charity.

Miya oblivious of surrounding was waiting for the gala to get over so she could feel.comfortable at home . The crowd was so uncomfortable for her.

The round two of gala was select your girl for dance.
The names of all people was in lots and the guys got to choose. And if they got a guy's name they could dance with them but most of them sat it out.

Risa badly wanted that it should be her to dance with Reynold , likewise almost all ladies yearned for dancing with him.

It came to Reynolds pick.

Reynold:" Let's see whose the lucky pic for me ladies *winks*
And my partner for tonight is...... Miya sen. So raise your hands please wherever you are my dear "

Miya was shocked   She least expected  that either she would sit in his table or dance with him. She raised her hands.

Reynold : " wow there you are and you have been sitting the whole evening with me without introducing . So shall we begin?" He led her to the centre of the ballroom.

And the music began. ( I don't wanna live forever in the background)

Grabbing her waist he pulled her closed and whispered in her ears

Reynold : " Relax, I am.not gonna eat you. Just dance "

Miya though was shook relaxed and thought and why not make her evening enjoyable so she could comfortably get her interview done with him

Meanwhile all eyes were on them and Reynold asked everyone to join with their partners.

Risa couldn't contain her jealousy . She gotta do something. That was the only thing in her mind.

Reynold was pretty amazed by her dancing skills . Miya was a pro. With her little hips she swirled pretty easily . Moving his fingers casually through her naked spines going to her waist he had a wonderful time with this dancing mermaid. Reynold thought she could easily be his next top model in his cover with her sassy legs and beautiful thick hair porcelain    skin.

And the song ended. Meanwhile
Before after party she tried to get a chat with Reynold before everyone rushed to him

Miya: Sir, I am from teen verve magazine. I was sent by my editor here to take an interview. It would be really nice if you give me some time whenever you are free.

Reynold : oh dear, sure sure. Why don't you come with me to open terrace above the party hall

And he lead her to his second floor of his mansion.

It was marvellous space with wooden floor Rocky walls more natural space with glass transparent walls where you could see forest on one side and river on another side.

But as they were going, Risa had them followed and while trying to make conversation with Reynold, spilled wine in Miyas dress

Risa: Oh my dear..Am so sorry. Come with me , I will give a shrug.

Miya : it's ok Risa. Anyway am not gonna attend party . I will take interview and leave to home

Reynold : Come on you need to attend the party, I have got huge runway dresses above. Come  come

And they went up.

Risa got more and more enraged.

She took a picture of Reynold holding Miya thinking she could use it later.

Miya : Sir, it's fine . Actually am not used to party.  😅

Reynold : Fine am not forcing you. At least get changed to some comfortable dress then.

Miya : Thanks sir. The interview wouldn't take more than ten minutes

Reynold: It's fine. You can come tomorrow and get your month issue comfortably tomorrow. Need not hurry up.

Miya got her changed in the least flashy dress to a plain white tee and a baggy jeans . And when she finally came out.

Reynold was thinking how she could look so sexy yet innocent and make something as simple as his baggy tee look so good.

Miya: Thanks sir. It was so kind of you.

Reynold : you didn't even have food, it's late so here I got you a food packed and my driver would drop you at your home.

Miya: sir, that's not necessary at all . I would go myself in bus

Reynold: Nonsense. Can you just do what I say please young lady. It's not safe for you travel alone now at almost 11 pm. come, let me show you to the car. And come tomorrow to my office at 1pm. You can schedule your interview then

And as he got her inside the car. He could just see her thankful face with pink lips and big brown eyes.

While he was standing, someone came n tapped on his shoulders. Joe Adams.

Joe: Rey, I saw you fully tonight. What man! Is your next prey up so fast?

Rey: Didn't you look at her. She's unbelievable. Yes she is my next 😉

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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