Chapter 1🖤

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(y/n)'s POV

It'd been two years since I'd seen Tooru in person.

My mom and my aunt helped me plan my return from America to Japan,

Almost all of my friends and family knew I was coming home, even Iwazumi knew,

Tooru was the only person I didn't tell, since I planned to surprise him,

I was supposed to be in Japan on the first day of Tooru's third year at Aoba Johsai but there was an issue with paying for my plane ticket and it had almost been a month into the school year when I'd arrived in Japan,

I met with my mom and we both had a tearful reunion before we took my suitcases home and I quickly got myself ready to see my brother again,

After a while I got a message from Iwazumi,

Practice ends in 20 minutes, I've told the rest of the team that someone is gonna surprise Trashykawa, so don't worry nobody's gonna ruin it.

I grabbed a jacket and started walking towards Aoba Johsai, using Google maps to find my way,

I made it to school 5 minutes before the practice finished and waited outside the gym,

Iwazumi checked if I'd arrived while Tooru was cleaning the gym with the rest of the team,

After a minute or two, I heard the door of the gym open and turned to see my brother smiling while talking to two of his teammates and Iwazumi,

It took a few seconds for someone to realize I was there, one of the boys tapped Tooru on the shoulder and pointed at me,

"Wha- (Y/N)?!" He dropped his bag and stared at me, shocked.

"H-hey Tooru, I'm home," I held my arms out, smiling with tears filling my eyes,

He ran and hugged me, picking me up and spinning me around,

"I've missed you so much!" He cried,

After a few minutes of crying and hugging, Tooru introduced me to his teammates, Matsu and Makki,

They both seemed really nice but I didn't say much to them other than a few 'hey's and 'nice to meet you's,

Tooru introduced another teammate as he walked out of the gym,

"And this is the one and only Mad Dog Chan,"

I heard the boy growl slightly,

"M-mad Dog Chan?"I asked,

"That's Kyotani Kentaro, he's a second year like you. Trashykawa just finds him scary,hence the nickname" Iwazumi told me,

I turned towards Kyotani,
He had short-cropped blonde hair with two black stripes running around his head, his honey brown eyes had dark bags underneath them,

I made eye contact with him and immediately became flustered and looked away,

I'd never been good with eye contact, especially with people who I find intimidating,

I quickly glanced over to see Kyotani, he looked slightly shocked at my reaction yet he wore a small smirk as he walked away,

Luckily nobody else had seen me get embarrassed,

After a few minutes of Tooru talking to his team he walked home with me,

Once we got home I sat and watched a movie with him before he helped me get everything ready for when I'd start school a few days later,

I unpacked my suitcase the next day before hanging out with (b/f/n),

I forgot how much I loved being around people I was comfortable with,

Despite living in America with them for two years, I was never comfortable near my cousins and my uncle, only around my aunt. I didn't make many friends in America and the few people I considered friends didn't speak to me enough for me to open up to them,

I missed my brother (and Iwazumi) as well as my best friend so much while I was away from Japan, everything felt like it was going right for the first time in a while,

Before I knew it, my first day at Aoba Johsai had arrived and I was terrified,

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter 💛
Any feedback is appreciated
-Himawari~Chan 🌻

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