Chapter 7🖤

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(y/n)'s POV

I don't know how long we were hugging, but I know that Kyotani refused to let go before me, instead he held onto me even tighter for a few seconds after I let go.

Once we had both pulled away from eachother, he was the first to speak,

"We uh.. probably should get back in there," He said, gesturing in the direction of our classroom and avoiding eye contact with me,

I hummed quietly as a reply and started to get up,

As we walked out of the empty classroom, I stopped Kyotani by tugging on his sleeve.

He turned around and looked at me, confused.

I cleared my throat and felt heat rising to my face,

"Thank you for helping me.. I really needed that."

He quickly turned away so I couldn't see his face and muttered a small,

"It's okay.."

A smile grew on my face and I carried on walking back to class with him.

As we walked I saw that the tips of his ears were pink and he was walking faster away from me.

I giggled slightly to myself and sped up my walking speed enough to catch up with him.

When we made it back to our classroom (b/f/n) was just leaving and stopped for a second,

"Are you okay?" I nodded as an answer, "I need to get to class but we'll talk later ok?"

I nodded again and walked to my seat.

The entire class was silent other than a few whispers about me and Kyotani,

Soon, our teacher came back to the classroom and started explaining our new project,

We had a presentation to do in pairs and it was due in a week.

As soon as the teacher mentioned pairs I began to panic, and to calm myself down, I slowed down my breathing.

Everyone got up to find a partner, I stayed seated because I wasn't comfortable with asking anyone to be with me,

Soon enough everyone else was starting to sit down after having got into pairs,

I was preparing to ask the teacher after class if I'd be able to do the presentation alone and after class, when I heard a voice from beside me,

"Oi (y/n).."

I hummed as I turned towards Kyotani,

"Wanna work with me for this? You're the only person here that I don't hate.."

I nodded and thanked him for asking me.

He grabbed my notebook and wrote his number on the last page,

"Call me after practice and we can meet to get started,"

I told him I would and got back to schoolwork.

This is a poorly finished draft and I'm sorry it's not too good, my mental health is starting to get better so hopefully I'll be updating,🌻
I'm honestly feeling quite happier lately thanks to the people closer to me 💛
Thank you all for the continued support
Any and all feedback is appreciated 💛
-Himawari~Chan 🌻

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