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Yuri Pov

Hi guys, Yuri Plisetsky here. So I am mad, why because the two idiots I call my husband and son are still asleep despite the fact that they both have school and work. I have been awake since 5 and it is now 6:30, they have to be ready by 7:30, but yet their asses are still asleep. I am so mad. I decided that I have had enough waiting so I walk to the stairs and yell, "If you two don't get your fucking asses down here, I swear I will come up and pour boiling hot water on you." Within the next minute, I heard them both scurry to the door and down the stairs, either half-dressed or dressed roughly. 

"Sorry babe, I was looking for my tie, have you seen it." 

"Did you think of checking the washing machine?"

He stood there for a minute, before walking off. I swear they are going to be the death of me. I then turned my attention to my son.

"So lets here it, what is your excuse for waking up late?"

"umm......well.....I was....ummm.....thinking about that girl."

I blinked and just stared at him.

"What girl are you talking about?" I asked as Otabek walked back into the room.

"So yesterday when I was getting attack, this girl came out of nowhere, and beat them up. I was just thinking about how I never got to thank her for helping me."

"Is that the only reason why you where thinking of here?" Otabek asked in a teasing manner.

"PAPA! Stop, that is the only reason.......I mean yeah she was pretty,..... but...umm... can we leave now. I might be late to school."

Otabek and I turned to each other and we started to laugh. I looked at the time and it seemed our soon was right. If we didn't leave now, he would be late.

"Well, I cause we can tease him later, right Beka."

"Of course, babe."


I laughed harder as our son rushed out to the car filled with embarrassment. I then turned around and made sure nothing was out of place and with that I walked out and locked the door behind me. Joining my family in the car, ready to start a new day.

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