The Meeting

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(Timeskip to lunch break)

Taiga's Pov

Today is supposed to be our literature class presentation day, and our parents have to be there. But the thing is that I didn't tell my parents. I already get bullied in school for having two males as my parents, so them coming would only make things worst. As I was sitting down at my desk near the window, I caught a glance at that girl Rin who had helped me. Who would have guessed that she was in my literature class?

"Okay class, I hope you are ready to present because very soon your parents are each going to become inside."

As soon as she said that, all the parents who had come walked into the class. But I started panicking when I saw two people who I didn't think would be there. MY PARENTS! How did they find out? Why are they here? And as if things couldn't get worst, they were talking to some other parents. I tried to hid myself as much as possible but ended up making eye contact with dad(Yurio) and papa(Otabek). Dad smiled and kept walking, but papa just kept staring at me before catching up to dad.

"Okay class, now that the parents are here. Who wants to go first."

Nobody raised their hand at first, but then after the teacher asked again. The hands of a girl went up. It was the Rin girl.


All the parents are here except for mine. Maybe they forgot. It made me sade but I didn't want that to show, so I volunteered to go first.

"Okay Rin, please get your presentaion and come up. Introduce yourself and  then your topic."

I got my commputer and walked up to the front of the class.

"Parents, the kids were supposed to pick a topic that was important to them and elaborate on why it is dear to them and how it has helped them in their lives. Okay Ren whenever your ready."

I nod towards her and just I am about to start I hear the class back door open. I looked up and there they were. Papa and mama. They were here to cheer me on. It made me so happy.

"My topic today is about Gay parents. As some of of you might know I am a child from gay marriage. I have two dads and I love them just as much as they love me. I choose this topic because there are people who feel that a family with a child and two males/female isn't good because the child might not get enough of love, but I am here as an example to show that they are wrong. It is possible for the child to receive a lot of love. Sometimes, maybe even too much love. I love my family and would never trade them for the world. I also hope that with my story, other kids out there who have gay parents to be more proud and should not be ashamed by that fake. Thank you."

As I finished, I looked up and everyone was clapping, my parents were quietly crying. It made me happy. I took a bow and walked back to my seat.

"Thank you Ren, that was amazing. Now how we will do this is to start with the person on the right of Ren. We will go from there and then come back to the front. Can the next student come up?"

As soon as the teacher said that, a boy who sits next to me stood up and walked to the front. It went on like this until we came back to the front of the room, and sooner than later it was the turn of that Taiga guy that I had met before. I watched as he walked up to the front.

"um, topic is....."

to be continued.....

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been updatng a lot, but hope you love this chapter and that you are staying safe. Byeeeee.

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