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Echis: *groans* Wh-What's going on?

Hellgonix: You're finally awake sister... I've been trying to wake you up for a while now.

Echis: Where are we?!

Hellgonix: Beats me, some type of void I guess. Though I'm not sure what these floating zeros and ones are doing around us.

Echis: Do you think we died?

Hellgonix: Who knows, did you also wake up to that?

Echis: Wake up to what?

Hellgonix: Listen...

Echis: I-is that crying?

Hellgonix: Yeah, I think so. That's what woke me up.

Echis: Sister, do you think that's him?

Hellgonix: Perhaps, the sobs sound too deep to be his though.

Echis: We got to get out of here! We need to help him!

Hellgonix: As much as I agree with that, how do you propose we do that?

Echis: Shhhh... I think he's moving.

Hellgonix: Yeah, sounds like footsteps. They seem to be right next to us. We should try and call out to him. Maybe he's in here with us?

Echis: It's worth a sh-

???: O-open w-wor-world, code Haven_Zero.

Computer: Opening world Haven_Zero, welcome user AbyssalHeart.

Hellgonix: AbyssalHeart? Who the hell is that?

Echis: I don't know. That's not our creators name is it?

Hellgonix: No, no it's not. His name is ZeroMech isn't it?

Echis: I thought it was, do you think he changed his name?

Hellgonix: Why would he, especially to something so grim?

Echis: What have we missed? How long have we been asleep?

Hellgonix: Who knows, look! A portal, I think... let's go.

Echis: Wait, sister we don't even know what that is!

Hellgonix: If we wait around for answers we'll never get, we may lose our one and only opportunity to get out of this place as well as lose our only chance to get answers to our questions.

Echis: But what if this is some sort of trap. What if someone's pretending to be ZeroMech?

Hellgonix: Then we'll take him down and find out what they did to Zero.

Echis: Ok, I've always had good trust in you sister, I believe we'll be okay, as long as we're together.

Hellgonix: Indeed *grabs Echis's hand* lets go. I'm not sure how much longer that portal will be open.

Echis And Hellgonix: The Fallen Guardians Where stories live. Discover now