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AbyssalHeart: Hellgonix, is there a reason you wanted to come out here to the Dream-Desert so late at night? Shouldn't we also have woken your sister up to come with us?

Hellgonix: Yes, I need to talk to you about something important. I didn't want my sister here, because I don't want her to interfere.

AbyssalHeart: Alrighty then, what is the reason? Must be pretty serious if we had to come all the way out here.

Hellgonix: Abyssal, May I ask you a question?

AbyssalHeart: Is that why you had us travel all the way out here? Sure thing Hellgonix. However I don't understand why you couldn't ask me what you wanted to ba-

Hellgonix: Why do you always wear a jacket wherever we go? Don't you get hot in that?

AbyssalHeart: *tenses up* O-oh yeah. I mean I do, but it takes a long time for me to get really hot. I'm very cold blooded, or better put I'm always really cold even in blazing hot environments.

Hellgonix: You're sweating like you just ran for an hour and we've been out here in the Dream-Desert for only a few minutes. I'm having a hard time believing you're freezing cold.

AbyssalHeart: W-well I am. I'm very cold right now Hellgonix.

Hellgonix: Let me feel your hands.

AbyssalHeart: Why?

Hellgonix: Just let me do it okay?

AbyssalHeart: Um... sure yeah.

Hellgonix: Wait... * grabs jacket sleeve*

AbyssalHeart: *trying to pull arm away* H-hey! What are you do-

Hellgonix: * pulls up sleeve* Oh my god...

AbyssalHeart: *pulls sleeve back down* Listen Hellgonix, I know it looks bad, but I assure you it's nothing to worry about!

Hellgonix: Nothing to worry about?! Nothing to worry about! Abyssal your whole arm is covered in scars! Is your other arm the same?!

AbyssalHeart: Uh... um...

Hellgonix: Is it?!

AbyssalHeart: ...Yes...

Hellgonix: Who hurt you?! We're you attacked by one of your old followers?! Are you being hunted?! I'll show those thieving mother fu-

AbyssalHeart: Hellgonix...

Hellgonix: Huh... oh, uh... *sigh* I'm sorry Abyssal. I'm just so tired of you being hurt. I want to protect you, keep you safe from harm. I'll try to not overreact, but please tell me who did this to you?

AbyssalHeart: I did...

Hellgonix: *gasp* Why? Why would you do that to yourself?

AbyssalHeart: It was back when you and Echis were still lost to the Binary Void. Each scar is a mark of a betrayer, a thief, a broken heart. I bear several scars. Some are mental, but many as you can tell are physical. The physical scars are from every time I was betrayed, robbed, or cast away. The mental scars are from my solitude, with only the loneliness and apathy that filled the dark corridors of my kingdom.

Hellgonix: *hugs AbyssalHeart* I-I'm so sorry Abyssal... I wish that I could've gotten to you sooner. Then this probably wouldn't have happened... what kind of guardian am I? I couldn't help you, I couldn't protect you...

AbyssalHeart: Don't be so hard on yourself Hellgonix. It was my own doing, my own fault. You can't blame yourself for something you couldn't control.

Hellgonix: But still, I am your guardian, and I let you down. I failed at my one reason for being created. *sobs* I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...

AbyssalHeart: *tightens hug* H-hey, come on don't cry. You're so much stronger than I could ever wish for you to be, and you didn't fail me. You've never failed me once. It was my own fault for losing you to the Binary Void, and the years of isolation was my punishment. Now you're here with me, everything is going to be alright. Trust me, I don't plan to and will not make another mistake like losing you again.

Hellgonix: You're too kind Abyssal... thank you for welcoming me back with open arms...

AbyssalHeart: *chuckles* Thank you for coming back into my life.

Hellgonix: From now on I won't let anyone hurt you again. I'll stay by your side forever. That's my promise to you...

AbyssalHeart: Lets not worry about forever, let's just live and enjoy the right now. Though I will admit this moment, I wish we could stay like this for as long as possible...

Hellgonix: Then lets stay like this together. Just me and you alone, in this world by each others side until the end of time.

AbyssalHeart: *breaks hug* I wish it could be like that Hellgonix, really I do. However time will not stop for us, it'll stop for no one. Also Echis, she is still here with us. She is just as important as you are to me. I could never get rid of her or you, not again. I'll make sure you two stay with me for as long as time will keep me on this mortal plane. Maybe one day, I can open this world back up to old and new friends. Welcome them back with open arms, and make amends with old enemies. Surely there's a happy ending for everyone right?

Hellgonix: Why would you want to open your doors to those people again? Look at what they did to you. All that pain and suffering, are you really willing to risk that happening again? Just to make sure everyone gets a "happy ending", even if they don't deserve it?

AbyssalHeart: I think everyone is deserving of a second chance. Plus with you and Echis by my side, I have nothing to fear. I know you two will keep me safe through the fire and the flames. If something bad happens, I know you'll be right by my side to help me.

Hellgonix: *sigh* You're right Abyssal, perhaps everyone does deserve a second chance...

AbyssalHeart: *looks up* Hey, look up.

Hellgonix: W-wow... the sky, it's so beautiful...

AbyssalHeart: Indeed, I suppose that's one of the nice things about the Dream-Desert. The sky is so pretty at night.

Hellgonix: Agreed, you've done wonders creating this world Abyssal.

AbyssalHeart: *checks time* Come on it's getting late, let's go back to the castle.

Hellgonix: Can we stay here for a little longer please, just the two of us?

AbyssalHeart: *chuckles* Sure, let's just enjoy this moment together...

Echis And Hellgonix: The Fallen Guardians Where stories live. Discover now