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Echis: Sister, what are you doing here, especially this late at night?

Hellgonix: What do you mean Echis? Abyssal said we could do as we please in his castle, did he not?

Echis: He did tell us that, but are you sure going through his private library is alright with him?

Hellgonix. I'm looking for something important.

Echis: What is it you're looking for? I'm sure I could help you fi-

Hellgonix: *grabs book* No need, I just found it.

Echis: Oh, well that's good to hear. If you don't mind me asking, what exactly were you looking for?

Hellgonix: This book has the names of AbyssalHeart's followers, each and every one of them. As well as anyone whose ever read his stories.

Echis: Why is this book so important to you? You're not planning on doing something dangerous are you?

Hellgonix: My reasoning for the importance of this book is not for you to concern yourself with sister. Just understand that the things I'm doing are ALL for our creator.

Echis: Please, don't do anything irrational Hellgonix. I don't think that would be something he'd want you to do.

Hellgonix: *sigh* I can't promise you I won't. However I suppose I can try, for you and him.

Echis: Alright, I'll leave you to your devices. Remember I'm here for you too, so is Abyssal.

Hellgonix: Thanks, same here Echis.

*Weeks later*

Echis: Hey Abyssal, can I have a minute with you? It's really important.

AbyssalHeart: Sure Echis, lets go to my private library.

*Minutes later*

AbyssalHeart: Alright, what is it that you wanted to discuss with me.

Echis: I'm really worried about my sister.

AbyssalHeart: Hellgonix? Why are you so concerned about her?

Echis: It's just... as of late she's been really distant, at least with me. She's been spending a lot of time with you, while she tries to keep me occupied with different jobs and plans. I feel like she's only doing this to keep me away from you though.

AbyssalHeart: Now that you mention it, yeah I have noticed that too. She has become more clingy lately. What are the jobs she's had you do?

Echis: She gave me four seed-shaped orbs and told me to plant them in each of the different biomes. She's also told me to give these weird looking pins to all the AI in the villages.

AbyssalHeart: Do you know what any of these things do, or why she's making you do them?

Echis: I'm afraid not Abyssal. I tried to ask my sister what they were for, but she wouldn't answer me. Why scares me the most is, I couldn't stop myself from doing them. It felt as if I was being controlled like a puppet by her.

AbyssalHeart: What the hell could she be doing? More importantly, why is she doing this?

Echis: Do you think it's because of what you told us about what happened while we were in that Binary Void place?

AbyssalHeart: I might be, I also don't think it helped her to see my scars. I've been meaning to ask you this, it seems Hellgonix has a tendency to leave the castle very late every night. Do you know why she's doing this?

Echis: ...Yes I do.

AbyssalHeart: If you don't mind me asking would you please tell me why?

Echis: Okay but on one condition. What I'm about to tell you is something that she told me not to ever mention to you. So please, promise me that you won't let her know I told you.

AbyssalHeart: I promise Echis. However if it's something that I need to interfere with as a creator, then I will have no choice but to deal with the conflict.

Echis: Okay... *points at book* do you see that book over there?

AbyssalHeart: *looks over* Oh geez. That book, I didn't even realize I still had that.

Echis: That book has the names of all your followers and people who've read your stories right?

AbyssalHeart: That's correct, every creator has one. It's not mandatory to keep them. However it's helpful to have if you have a larger fan base. I thought I threw that book out years ago. Why is that so important to your sister?

Echis: She's been taking that book out of your library every night for the last few weeks and creating portals to who knows where. One day I decided to check the inside of the book.

AbyssalHeart: What did you see?

Echis: Uh...

AbyssalHeart: Echis, what did you see in the book?

Echis: *sighs* Pages upon pages of names marked out with ink.

AbyssalHeart: By god... how many names were crossed out?

Echis: Hundreds, maybe more. You can see for yourself.

AbyssalHeart: *grabs book* Hellgonix, for the love of god don't tell me you're doing what I think you are...

*Opens book and skims through each page*

Echis And Hellgonix: The Fallen Guardians Where stories live. Discover now