Why am I a Girl!?!?

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What's going on, where am I? Am I going to heaven? Wait, why can't I open my eyes? I try to open them but am hit with a bright light.


Oh great, there's a baby crying. I used to be good with kids, but over time, it just stopped working. When I finally get my eyes open, I see that I'm in a box in some alleyway.


Oh great, the baby is still crying. Just where is it coming from? I look around to get a bearing of my surroundings when I notice a adorable little girl in a box. Wait, box? I lift up my right hand and see that the girl does the same. Wait, does that mean....

I'M A GIRL!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

"Y/n":*incredibly loud crying*

This can't be happening. Why am I a girl? How did I become a girl? Where the hell even am I? While I'm thinking about this I hear voices, one male and one female.

Male voice: come on honey, I'm sure your just hearing things.

Female voice: No I'm not, I heard a voice and I'm going to go find it.

Ms. Iwatani's POV

My husband believes that he didn't hear the child, but I know I did. I walking into the area when I hear the crying getting louder and louder. When I don't hear the crying get any louder, I see that it's coming from a 4x5 cardboard box. I look inside and see the most adorable baby that I have ever seen.

Ms Iwatani: *in a cute voice*Now why would leave someone so adorable as you all alone?

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Ms Iwatani: *in a cute voice*Now why would leave someone so adorable as you all alone?

I look to the left of the now sleeping child, and see what looks like a letter. I pick it up and in the contents said...

To whom it may concern,

This is my baby girl that I have to leave behind. I would've given her to my husband, but he divorced me after he found out that I was pregnant. After I gave birth, the medical costs were too much for me and I had to take multiple part-time jobs. My parents were not able to constantly take care of them because of their old age. I lost almost all of my friends after my pregnancy and my friends I didn't lose wouldn't take care of her for me. I was very worried about what a person at a nursery would say with this and so I have no choice to abandon her. Please do what I could not and take care of her with her life.

Poor child. Abandoned by her mother and now has no place to go. I know! I'll raise her and take her as my own. After all, our first child hasn't done much and we've sent our younger son to prep-school, so maybe we can let this one do what she wants, with a few limits after all. I take the child and carry her home.

Mr. Iwatani: Hello Honey, how are you-

Ms. Iwatani: Hush dear, you'll wake her up.

Mr. Iwatani: Wake who up? *Ms. Iwatani points down tp the girl* Oh. Wait, then there was a child down there?

Ms. Iwatani: Yes, and I am planning to keep her. Since our 2nd son is in prep-school, we can let this little one do what she wants, with a few limits though.

Mr. Iwatani: I would say no, but I know you're going to fight it, no matter what. Now, with that being said, let's get her a room prepared and let him know that he's going to now have a younger sister to help care for.


"Y/n" POV

I open my eyes after going to sleep and notice that I'm in a room that I know isn't mine nor anywhere I've seen before

I open my eyes after going to sleep and notice that I'm in a room that I know isn't mine nor anywhere I've seen before

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(A/n: the things on the wall and the chair/desk isn't there)

Anyways, where am I? As soon as I start thinking about it, a woman and a man come up and start talking to each other.

Woman: Oh look, she's awake.

Man: Yes, she is honey. Now that I'm looking at her more, she is the most adorable baby that I've ever seen.

Woman: Yes she is, but what are we going to name her? After all, her mother didn't leave anything behind about her, not even a name.

Man: I don't know, what do you think?

Woman and Man: *thinking*

???: Hey Mom. Hey Dad. How why are you two- WOAH! What did you do in here.

Woman: Oh, honey we found a baby girl, and decided to adopt her.

I look to where the voice came from, and notice a 15-year old boy with Black Hair and Green Eyes. He comes up to me and holds me. Wait... This boy... He looks familiar... Where have I seen him before?

Teenage Boy: Oh have you decided a name for her yet?

Woman: No. In-fact, we were just thinking about a name for her. Do you have a name that we could give her? It would be quicker if you can.

Teenage Boy: Yeah, how about Luna?

Luna. I guess that's going to be my name now. Well, it's not bad. In Fact, it reminds me that the name of the moon is also called Luna.

Luna(Y/n): *giggles*

Woman: It seems that she likes the name. I guess that will be her name from now on.

Man: Luna. Luna Iwatani.

My mind and everything about me just stopped. Iwatani? Isn't that the last name of the shield hero's main protagonist, Naofumi Iwatani?

Woman: Thank you Naofumi. Just know that you're going to need to keep an eye out for her so that she grows up a nice girl.

Naofumi: What!?!?

Man: You're not getting full responsibility. You just need to make sure she is protected.

Woman: we'll take care of everything else for her, OK?

Naofumi: Fine.

Naofumi: *looks at me* Hey Luna, I'm going to be your big brother now. My name's Naofumi Iwatani.

Well that confirms it. I'm now the younger sister of Naofumi Iwatani. *sigh* Man I am no more. It appears I was shot, killed, and reincarnated as a girl. Well on the bright side, I don't need to worry about having a hard time learning to use the bathroom as a girl. My new life as Naofumi's younger sister begins now. But now I've got a question. Am I going to become one of the cardinal heroes, or am I just going to become a person Naofumi, or should I say Onii-chan now, talks about in the anime?

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