My Inevitable Demise

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No one's POV

We see a dark room with a computer monitor being the only light in the room. Inside the room is a 16-17 old teenage boy know as Y/n Jones. He's a huge fan of isekai anime, and one of his favorites is The Rising of The Shield Hero. He's currently watching said anime, since he's got nothing better to do, and it's summer vacation. While he's watching it, his stomach grumbles, indicating that he needs to eat.


Great, I'm starving and I have no food in the fridge. Guess I have to go and get more food.

Y/n: well I have nothing better to do, I mean I've rewatched Shield Hero 20 times already, I basically know the plot so far from top to bottom.

I get my clothes on, grab my phone,put on my favorite shoes, and head out to the nearest store and get me some (Insert Favorite Junk Food Here).

Time skip
Location: outside of store

No one's POV

Y/n can be seen carrying a bag of groceries, which contains his food for the next week.

Y/n: after 2 long hours of waiting, Mission Complete! Now to get home and continue watching anime.

Little did he, or anyone near him realize that there was a man with a gun planning to murder people.


I was walking home, when I heard someone scream, I turned around and saw a man holding a woman hostage.

Hooded Figure: Nobody call the cops or not only does this woman die, but the one who did dies as well!!!!

I have to stop this. I try to be a hero a knock down the person.

Y/n: Someone, Quick!! Call the cops!

Right when I say that I feel something on my chest. I look and see that then Hooded man is holding the gun right near my heart.

Hooded Figure: Shouldn't have played the hero kid.


No one's POV

Y/n is shot through the heart,and the people nearby start screaming. The hooded figure used this as a chance to get away.

A/n: RC means Random Civilian

RC: Someone call an ambulance! Hey young man, can you hear me? Stay with us for just a little while longer!!!


Ok, didn't think this was going to happen, I guess this is my fault in a way for trying to be the hero that everyone adores. While I'm thinking about what I do to deserve this, I hear a voice from someone.

RC:Hey young man, can you hear me? Stay with us for just a little while longer!!!

Y/n:*coughs up blood* Sorry, but I don't thinks that's going to be possible. I'm losing a lot of blood. Heh. Didn't think I was going to die like this

RC: look just stay with for just a few more minutes, there's an ambulance on the way.

Y/n: I don't think I'll be able to make it. I'm just glad I had the life I did. It was... a good run... while it lasted

RC: Sir.... longer.... almost here!

Yep, this is it. I'm dying. Man, if I am to be isekaied, I would love to be reincarnated into Rising of The Shield Hero. I would love to punch Motuyasu and teach that bitch Myne a lesson. After all, those two were the worst when it came to treating Naofumi well.

???: Do not worry child. The gods have heard your voice, and they will accept your wish. But know there is a consequence for doing this.

Who said that? Well, it doesn't matter, I'm going to get a lot of sleep soon...

No one's POV

The doctors arrive to the Y/n's body and check for a pulse, and they feel nothing.

Doctor 1: I'm sorry, but we're to late. He's dead.

The woman who was held hostage gasped and started to weep for the young child, since he saved her life, but she'll never be able to thank him for doing so.

Doctor 2: may the young soul Rest In Peace.

Time skip (5 years later)
Location: graveyard

Inside of an empty graveyard, the 25-year old woman whom Y/n saved, whose name was Emily is standing right in front of his grave.

Emily: Hello Y/n, I wanted to thank you for saving me back then. I wanted to let you know that I've become a police officer, so that things like what happened to you won't happen again.

Radio:Attention all units, we've got a robber on the loose, he's heading by the graveyards now.

Emily*puts on her officer's cap* Well, I've gotta go. I'll see you again soon Y/n.

Emily runs to her police car and grabs the radio

Emily: *Into radio* Copy that, I'm nearby. Going into pursuit now, over.

With that Emily drives off and leaves the grave which shows

RIP: Y/n Jones

A/n: Not putting in 2020 because so far, for America, we're still stuck with wearing masks and social distancing due to, in my opinion, and idiotic president.

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