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"My sweetheart?! He calls you 'my sweetheart'?!" Claire's voice was laced with disbelief.
Alana could feel herself blushing already.
"Aye,...he does. I was definitely dumbfounded at first." Alana said shyly.
Tying her black cloak around her shoulders, Alana watched as Claire tied her travel supplies in a cloth sack and draped her own cloak over one of her arms.
"It sounds like someone has a crush on you." Claire offered in a sing-song voice.
Alana stared at her, her face doubtful.
"Iffen ye say so, Claire. I highly doubt that though." She couldn't keep the smile off her face.
Their voices were kept quiet as they moved through the dark halls of Leoch. They had a minor setback, for Laoghaire had needed their assistance, but they should still be okay.
"What do you mean that you doubt it?" Claire asked in a hushed voice, stopping to peer around a corner to see if the coast was clear. "That man never smiles,...not unless he's near you. He was very flirtatious towards you earlier as well." Claire gave Alana a playful glance before she started walking again.
Alana kept silent, an obvious sign that the wheels inside of her head were turning wildly. Claire looked back at her, her brow knotting together.
"I can tell you're thinking, Alana. You always went quiet when you were thinking. I've known you long enough." she offered.
Alana shook her head.
"It's nothing. I just...-" she stopped right in her tracks, Claire replicating her actions.
"I hear somethin',...ahead of us." her voice was low.
           Before they could react, men from the gathering stumbled drunkenly upon them. Alana nearly gagged from the strong scent of alcohol that emerged from the three of them. Stealing an urgent glance at Claire, they both turned around sharply, only for one of the men to grab at them. Taking Claire roughly by the shoulders, he jerked her around slightly, leaning into her close.
"Get the hell off of me!" Claire struggled in his grasp.
Alana lunged at the man, attempting to pull him off of Claire. In one swift motion, the drunken scot swung at her, sending Alana sprawling to the floor. Stunned, Alana held her cheek, the pain searing through her. The other two laughed at her, mocking her. Alana's piercing eyes sent daggers at them as she recovered. The anger now running through her is what made her get up.
Before she could comprehend what was happening, Alana ended up next to Claire against the wall. They were too much for her to take all at once, no matter how much she hated it or not. As Alana struggled against them, many swears and insults escaped her.
"You are nothin' but...-" A flash of movement made her stop.
A large hand gripped at the man on Claire, pulling him back and slamming against the wall. The others were then dispatched off of Alana. With both women trying to catch their breath, their eyes landed upon Dougal, who was kicking and telling the others off.
He turned to them, eyeing each woman suspiciously. Alana only stared back, watching him carefully. Claire was the first one to speak.
"W...we shouldn't be here. Alana come on,...we need to go." Claire started to walk away, only for Dougal to gently push her back. He got awfully close to her. Leaning in close, he whispered, "Aye, lass, shouldna be here."
Alana narrowed her eyes, swallowing hard. Dougal was also drunk. Looking down, she spotted a small wooden stool, something she hadn't seen before. She'd use it if she had to.
"But since ye are here, ye might as well thank me fer savin' ye."
Alana didn't dare move. She or Claire couldn't really mess with the MacKenzie war chief, at least not tonight. She watched in disgust as Dougal kissed Claire, and then with amusement when she slapped him pretty hard. Claire flinched when he retaliated by shoving her up against the wall again, threatening her.
"Ye best be careful, lass, you and yer friend,....before I give the both o' ye somethin' ye really deserve." he backed up against the opposite wall, stiff and staring at the both of them.
Alana's breath hitched at seeing the place Dougal's feet landed. Claire's travel sack was right next to his foot. And Claire made the mistake of glancing at it. Upon Dougal noticing it and bending down to pick it up, Alana swiftly snatched the stool into her hands and cracked the man over the head with it. He instantly fell unconscious.
Claire gave her a surprised look, to which Alana nodded.
"Come on." 

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