Unexpected Companion

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Alana stared at the ceiling of her bedchambers, sleep escaping her. She laid there for hours, uncomfortably twisting and turning. No matter what she did, she could not get comfortable. God, what time was it? Alana knew that it was well past two in the morning, for the celebration had ended at nearly midnight. Her candle still burned, not too bright, but enough so that she could see. Quietly getting out of bed, she grabbed the candle and walked to her window. She leaned up against it, unlatching the lock and letting it swing open. The night's cool breeze flowed throughout the room. Alana's eyes closed contently as she breathed in, the air calming her senses. As she opened them again, she drew a small gasp as she took in the night sky. The stars shone brightly, even brighter than the night she had run into the MacKenzie men. She drank in their beauty. There were so many more visible than in her own time. The constellations reigned the sky, no pollution or harsh city lights to hide them from view. Leaning further out of the window, she let the bare skin of her shoulders hit the air. It was a little chilly, but warm enough to take a late night walk. She would just have to wrap a cloak around her.

Alana silently put on a simple cream colored dress, not bothering to make herself look pretty. She grabbed the dark grey cloak that hung on a hook and tied it tightly around her shoulders. She then crept out of her room and down the stairs, careful not to wake anyone. Alana still clutched the burning candle in her hand, for every hall in the castle was pitch dark. There was no aid for her to follow, for he was currenting missing. Murtagh hadn't told anyone where he went. He simply disappeared after their dance without a word. Even Jamie didn't know where his godfather was.
"Dinna fash, lass. I'm sure he'll turn up in the mornin'. He always does,"
His words had not soothed her in the least. Alana feared that she had done something wrong,...just what? Did she even do anything? In all honesty, she didn't know. From what she had recalled, Murtagh had also enjoyed their little moment. Though she had to admit, that feeling had come over her again. Her entire body felt as if it were on fire, lit by just the slightest touch from the usually stoic highlander. A small grin crossed Alana's face at the thought of Murtagh's own smile. It looked good on him. She thought he should do it more often, but that was wishful thinking. Murtagh also happened to be the reason why she couldn't sleep. He had her worried. Once Alana came to care for someone, she held them close to her heart. Murtagh was a dear friend, a surprise for the short time she's been here. Claire was in the same situation. She had Jamie. Both women had taken a liking to a single man and wanted to stick close to them. They acted sort of as a rock for them to lean upon when needed. At least Jamie was easy to find. Murtagh, on the other hand, was not. The man was very secretive when he wanted to be,...very secluded. Murtagh kept to himself usually.

Alana took a deep breath as she rounded the corner. She was almost outside, but the stuffy, narrow halls started to affect her. She hated being closed in. In her rush to get out, she tripped on something, stumbling, though she was able to catch herself. Her breath caught in her throat as her blood ran cold. It wasn't what had she tripped over,...it was who. Hearing a man grumble at her feet, she froze. Who was it?

Please don't cause me any trouble...
She sensed swift movement as the person scrambled to their feet. In a flash, Alana was roughly shoved against the wall, dirk at her throat. Her eyes recognized the ones they just met.
"A...Angus!" She squeaked.

Her mind clicked in fully, her expression turning to annoyance at the sight of him.Angus. Her mind hissed.Alana watched Angus' brow quiver in the dim candlelight as he quickly withdrew the blade from her throat. She shot daggers at him perfectly recalling her threat, and it appeared he did as well. Angus quickly put distance between them, though there was still an edge to her tone. "Miss Irvine,...christ,...I could have killed ye, lass!" he exclaimed.Alana huffed."Well,...ye might've done me a favor, for I wouldna have to be talkin' to you right now." she grumbled. Angus frowned. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he closed his eyes in frustration. His was already getting annoyed. He needed to control himself. "Why were ye tramplin' through here anyway?" His eyes scanned over her attire, which was clearly meant for outside. "Iffen I didna ken any better,...I'd say ye're a tryin' te leave the castle. Is Mistress Beauchamp also wi' ye?" Angus' voice sounded accusingly. Alana scowled at him as he took a step closer. "Well,..don't you love jumpin' te conclusions. You are just tryin' to make your situation with me worse, aren't you? As a matter o' fact, Angus, I wasna tryin' to leave,...not exactly. And no, Claire is not with me." she said.Angus eyed her suspiciously."Then what d'ye mean, lass? Are ye leavin' or no?" he asked, narrowing his gaze at her.She glared at him for a moment before asking."I'm goin' for a walk. I...I canna sleep." she admitted quietly. That seemed to make the highlander back off a bit. Alana could smell the night's alcohol on him, though he didn't seem too intoxicated. "Ye canna sleep, ye say?" he scratched his beard thoughtfully. "Does walkin' outside help clear ye mind?" He sounded genuinely curious, which surprised Alana a bit. She tilted her head suspiciously."Aye,...they do. So,...now you're goin te be nice to me, are ye?" Angus kept silent for a moment. He moved his body to lean up against the opposite wall, crossing his arms. "Bout' earlier,..." he started, clearing his throat. "I apologize fer tha', lass." He kept it short and simple, giving no explanation. Alana snorted."You're drunk. Ye dinna mean that.""I may be,..jes a tad. I can speak clearly te ye,..no?" The small woman in front of him gave a small sigh. She knew that it should be her apologizing, not him. Well, it wasn't entirely her fault. Angus had said some inappropriate things towards her. Though it was simply how Alana felt. "No,..it should be I who apologizes to you. Ever since I've met ye, I've been nothing but rude to you." Angus cut her off."Nae,...I deserve it. As much as I hate te say it, Murtagh is right. I'm nothin' but rough wi' yer small frame. Wi' yer size, even I could be considered a brute." he paused again. "I'll try te be gentler wi' ye. And,...even though yer figure truly is bonny,....I shouldna ha' said those words te ye."Alana smiled softly, confusion writing itself across her face."Why are ye being kind to me? Why now, at the most random and unexpected time?"Angus slowly returned a smile of his own."Ye had me thinkin' earlier, when ye stormed out o' tha' flower patch. I believe tha' ye're only callous wi' everyone o' us men because ye dinna trust us. Ye have walls built up round' ye, a lie of defense." the little scot shrugged. "I'm jes offering a new bond,....one I think ye need."

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