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Author-chan:you all have a Baku squad right!
Deku:ya mean the anti-social idiots who hang out with the Crybaby?
Kiri:Oh can it Emo trash!
Deku:Come at me Bitc-
Author chan: ok ok well you're gonna be reacting to them
Deku:why would we want to watch the crybaby's friends
Author:trust me it's gonna be great!
Iida:eh why the f👀k not
Author-chan: good cause I would have made you do it anyways
Roll the clips!
Kami:Hey Mina come play with me Kami had a controller in his hands
Iida:wait you played video games?!
Kami:No Dumbass.
Mona:Kami No we have a paper due and we need to pass- LEVEL 40! how did I get here-
Kami:Don't question it! :D
Sero: what the hell Kaminari you have papers due since when! And Mina what the hell
Iida:Pfft look at that the two smartasses have papers due
Mina reached over and smack Iida over the head
Mina:dumbass.. They do kinda look like us though.. Mina mumbled the last part
Kami:hmpf his hair is completuely different! AND I DONT HAVE PAPERS DUE!
Iida:Geez Chill will ya
Kami sighed
Kami: please parden my outburst but I would prefer if you don't say such things
Author-chan:Oh we're gonna see plenty of that in fact
Baku squad grocery shopping
Kami:hmm what's this we don't do anything out of the ordinary?
Deku:Pfft what do they do help Grannies shop?
Deku grew a devilish grin most of the dekusquad minus Tsuyu was laughing Momo joining in
Mina:at least I don't party all the time and actually care about my grades
Momo:Pfft whatever let's just watch whatever crap appears on the screen

Author-chan:be ORIGINAL! they said it will be FUN! they said
Katsuki:hey guys I'm back at food for less the same one and I need groceries
Tsuyu:where they here before?
Momo:this is weird he didn't stutter also when did you dye your hair blonde? *Gasp* is it so you can on like me!!!!
Kiri:hmpf. Back off slut!
Momo:hmpf your no fun
Todo:why does he look so...grouchy?
Sero:let's get some lucky charms my fav
Iida:huh I'm surprised your not in the meat section also first time hearing you say "fav" I thought you were a robot or something!
Momo:Awww why'd you get rid of your blonde hair!!!
Sero rolled his eyes at the girls antics
Sero:And I like life cinnamon life
Deku:well this is boring.
Author-chan:Damn it Why did I get stuck with the brats.. damn it irl Author-chan
Sero:then turned around and through the box into the cart backwards
Aoyama:your positivity Disgust me..
Music started playing in the back as Kaminari collected a pack of Gatorade?
Iida:What was that about eating healthy Oh great Smartass?
Kaminari:that isn' know what no I'm not answering you
Momo:Gasp you went blonde toooo! When did this happen????
Kaminari and Sero:It didn't!
Katsuki was looking into a security camera
Katsuki:Shut the f👀k up
Iida:he could curse?
Author-chan:Oh you have no Idea..
Author-chan:nothing Nothing!
Momo:Oh ma goi the cinnamon roll just cursed
Kirk:D-did my cinnamon roll just curse..Oh God
Katsuki continued walking and swithed to another view where the Back of a red head could be seen
Everyone turned to Iida minus Bakusquad
Deku:you were with them?!?!
Iida: What no!
Sato: it probably wasn't Iida it doesn't look like him in fact the hair looks like Kirishima
The Dekusquad Did a collective 'Oh' and turned back to the screen
Sero yeeted a ball up
Sero:Oop- I hit it!
Deku:you guys seem to act differently outside off school
Uraraka:yeah hypocritical much
Aizawa:ya know as students you really should be doing this! Aizawa shouted
Mic turned towards Aizawa and screamed in his ear shutting him up
Uhhh don't ask me how he isn't deaf cause Idk-(edit:oh I know maybe he cancels The quirk so it doesn't become so loud
The screen then cut to Kami using a caution tape line as limbo
Aoyama:what the f👀k Kaminari-
Todo:You all seem way more laid back you guys normally act stuck up unless Deku is right and you act different at outside at school I'm sure you wouldn't want this to get leaked
Kami:A-are you trying to blackmail me?
Sero:with something we didn't even do??
Mina:What the hell??
Kaminari:Alright I made it Time to get some fruit Kaminari started walking normally again
Most of the room started laughing
Some thing the speaker said:
Sero was juggling? The fruit and throwing them back
Sero:I- *sigh*
Jirou:I'm still surprised He's not in the meat section
Katsuki was taking up fruit
Katsuki:This is probably the best store to shop at not one worker gives a single f👀k
Momo and Iida: there it is again!
Uraraka:I swear if you two dumbasses don't shut your trap
Momo:yeah yeah
Uraraka:Blondie shut up or I'll float your ass up to the moon... or sun
Momo:fine geez
Todo started laughing at the two's misfortune
Sero started feeling up the Shelves
Sato:I'm what are you doing
He then got to the stop and jumped in the bucket Thing
Sero:It wasn't me!
Kami: Oh yes..sorry about that..
Iida:Hypocrite~ he said in a sing songy tone kinda in those angelic tunes I guess
Sero:Uhhhh(This is in Spanish I think and I'll rather not offend someone by butchering in the spelling)
Momo:what is he saying?
Deku:just know he's being stupid
Most of the room started laughing
The guy Simply pointed to a direction
Deku:huh I guess they really don't care..
Kaminari was facing towards those big fridges his back to the camera
Kaminari Hey you know those Orange juice commercials were they stick there hand in and gets the Orange? He had stick his hand int the fridge While he said it
Man:no not really
Iida:why don't you guys act like this at school! This so hilarious
Kirishim a then appeared looking peppier then they've ever seen him
Sato:I was right!
Iida:so you did due your hair red!
Kiri:what the f👀k....
We got two things of while milo because we got a lot if shit today
Koda:huh I thought You ate vegetables and stuff sent you vegan?
Iida:Ha fake
Kiri just sighed Katsuki hugging him, calming him down a bit
We got Cereal, Protein shakes, Chocolate milk,Cereal, Protein shakes Chocolate Milk
Kirishima facepalmed at how he behaved on-screen
The screen the changes to Kami looking at a screen
Kaminari:Fish and chips are like the best snack
Kami:Why am 'I' talking like that
Iida:this is weird
Kami started yeeting the snack into the air while he was yeeting it into the air again could here (Imma say sero) Sero say dude don't
Kaminari:please just listen to Sero
Todo:I must say it is interesting
Deku:Stop it dork your being creepy again
Todo:hehe oops
Mina then appeared on screen(finally I almost thought she wasn't there but I knew it!)
Mina:finally I'm there..wait that doesnt-...*sigh*
Mina:they always told me growing up that money couldn't buy happiness
Momo:Pfft not true
Uraraka:Stupid Richass Blondie Uraraka started muttering under her breath
Uraraka.Wait...did you due your hair pink! Like mine! I swear if your copying me
Mina:Its not me Goddammit and what did I Dye my skin too think before you speak Kirby riboff!hmpf(ok so maybe not shy but definitely not As social a mina maybe antisocial)
Uraraka was about to get up when Tsuyu hugged her keeping her down while Kami and Sero Calmed Nina down
But for only $2.50 cents you can get banana Twinkies and that makes me happy she then through the Twinkies behind her it landing in the chart
Momo:Yesssssssssss Momo was Clapping her hands While Iida started clapping with her
Momo:heyyyy Glad to see Your Not in a sweater Nice crop top-
Mona:wait what-
Mina: looked at the screen to see she in seed was in a black crop to And Jean Shorts (ya know 'mina wear')
Mina:what the hell is she wearing great it's another Momo!
Momo:Pfft YOU decided to wear it!
Mina:Its not me!
A kinda pissed looking Katsuki Started walking down and Isle showing his oh so glorious Middle
finger to the items
Katsuki:F👀k you F👀k You F👀k you F👀k You F👀k You F👀k you
F👀k you, your cool-
Momo:Is he actually like this
Kiri:No Why would he be
Iida:Damn why he so angry??
Sero was seen in the shampoo Isle
He picked up a shampoo bottle and started
Sero:Shampoo is better I go in first and Clean the hair. he had said this in a really weird voice
Momo:Pfft and you say I'm a dumbass
Jirou: Yaomomo you did this last week...
Momo:Aww Damn it Jirou!
Momo:Nuuu I'm sorry!!!
Jirou: :)
Sero:No conditioner is better I leave the hair silky and smooth! He said in an even weirder voice He then held up A conditioner bottle
He then made both bottles fight eathother ya know like when you make one of your old dolls drag the other's weave out I mean Action figures yeah..Action figures
He then tossed both of them into the cart
Uraraka:What the f👀k-
Uraraka:Oh shut it Buzzkill
Sero just shrunk in his seat
The screen went on the show Kirishima holding up Swiss rolls
Kirishima: I like peeling of peeling off the chocolate and then f👀kin just sucking in that cream dude
The dekusquad burst of laughing while Katsuki looked up to kiri in innocent confusion
Katsuki:Why is everyone laughing?
Deku and Momo:Imma tell him
The Baku squad:Don't you dare!
Kami:also language!
Author-chan:you won't be saying anything after this!
Kami:Betty Crocker was a slut
Momo:none of you hypocrites get to tell us off anymore!
Kami just sat there in shock
Iida laughed in the background
Kaminari:Seriously but we're gonna get her Mash potatoes cause they're good
Aoyama:oh wow..
Mina was seen running and jumped over a bunch of Packs of Gaterade
Losing a Shoe in the process
Mina:yeah I didn't wear socks today
Momo:Me neither tbh
Kami:yeah like a year ago I was riding a bus and I had a backpack And I would just put a loaf of bread a butter knife and a thing of peanut butter and that is what I'd eat all day it was just bread and peanut butter because It was really cheap and I didn't have money
Iida:is that true?
Author-chan:so what did ya think
Iida:Less boring then I thought it would be
Deku:I have to agree
Momo:yeah it was fun.
Todo:I must say it was interesting and pretty refreashing to see the most stuck up students behave like that
The Baku squad however was either sulking or just pissed

Author-chan: Imma do some more chapter a before I tell them it's the originals and to think I was originally going I tell them at the beginning of this but I think I like this better hope you enjoyed!

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