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Fem Inv Iida(these things were just me telling myself the Idea before I forgot)
This is the supposed and if the Melanie crave

Author-chan:to sothe(I forgot how to spell-) your (my-) unsatisfied i
Seriously Idk if it was the phone news but that last chapter just didn't do it for me

Author-chan:This is as Genderbend inverted Iida
Uraraka:So Playboy as a girl?

Author-chan :yup we'll be looking. At the home life this will also applies to Momo Iida and Momo's Genderbend

Iida:Wait home life..
Momo:Fuck..umm can't we see something else

Uraraka:What's wrong? let me guess You don't have one cause You mostly going out To eat or Party? Hell I bet even If you did have A Home life It would be awesome I'd trade homes anyday

Momo Laughed nervously while Mina Pondered..
Mina:This is unusual..
Iida:Lets just get over with it..

That took Uraraka by surprise She we expecting some Dumb remark or Even Laughing but this was different he didn't even say it cheerfully his voice was unexpectedly...Dull

Uraraka:(I guess This isn't a very liked topic strange They're Home life couldn't suck that bad right?...I mean with that much money they have to be Happy...right??..)
Female Iida appeared around a desk looking exhausted
Deku:Probably just came home from partying

Iida: if it's anything like my life its for other reasons
Iida grumbled under his breath Momo barely hearing him

Tokoyami turned towards Aoyama pointing towards Iida and Momo
Tokoyami:Why are they so quiet??
Aoyama:Don't know don't care
Tokoyamai Huffed and looked away

The lights dimmed out before lighting up again Iida Had a mop his her hand Her she just finished Mopping
Mrs.Iida:I guess you can go out though Your sister wouldn't she'd be studying right now not disappointing us The woman Grumbled obviously annoyed
Iida's face had lite up before Melting back into a frown she bowed and went to her room anyways.

Kami: Altough I'd like Iida to bring up their grades Who The hell Guilttrils there child like that?!

Iida face was complete confusion not exactly expecting Kami to side with him to be honest he completely expected Kami to side with His parents

You pull me by my hair so I don't go nowhere
Tell me you love me, but you treat me like I'm never there
Her parents Were Talking with her she had gotten a B+ on her last test they continued Only slightly acknowledging it Mostly saying how better it could be before completely Ignore her and going on to talk about Her sisters Injury. And accomplishments

Iida sunk in his seat for the first time honestly not wanting to be seen by any of his classmates

The glances that were being thrown at him We're unbearable especially the Ones filled with Pity he didn't want to be pitied. he doesn't need there pity. for all he cares they can shove it up. their Entitled Asses.

Momo patted him on the back hating how this applied to her life too though She had Jirou hugging her She knew Iida didn't really have anyone he really trusted other than her so she wrapped arm around his shoulder the act was Small it still made A significant difference as he Started calming down after jumping a bit when she did it, less tense than he was before

You say the cruelest words, and yes, they break my heart the screen went black As their words along the lines of Idiot and Stupid Bounced on and off, she clearly tried to restrain herself from crying

Todo pouted ever since the screen lite up the rooms been quiet everyone seems so In deep in there thoughts it was boring him

'Cause I'm over here working my ass off
The screen shifted back to. The first scene of Iida exhausted around her desk flashes of her studying cleaning and just trying to impress her parents

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