Substitute teacher

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Author-chan:so who would you all say is the cool teacher?
Deku:well Aizawa is pretty ok when Mic-Sensei is being a dicc but Mic-sensei is clearly superior
Uraraka:can't say I disagree
Aoyama:He's too happy and positive
Author-chan:welp next Clip is here.

The screen lite up a certain green haired boy was standing therec hug
Uraraka:when the f👀k did you dye your hair green?!
Deku:Bitch never-
Jirou just sat there kinda flattered
Deku:ya know Sometimes me and the class feel a like some days Aizawa-sensei just wakes up and thinks I wanna be a dick today the screen then faded black
Iida:since when?
Jirou:is it me or is he more uh softer than usual?
Deku:oh shut it puke hair!
Jirou:Ah I-im sorry-
Momo:Back off will ya And YOU dyed it!
Deku:I didn't do shit..
Kiri:not so nice is it!
Deku:oh shut it
Mr Aizawa Reluctany got up
Mr Aizawa:Oh They need m a substitute Math teacher for today and it's my class....I feel like being a dick today why not
Mic:Pfft-'ve been spending too much time with Hizashi
Aizawa:wha- wait- huh?!?!
Mr. Aizawa: All right, listen up y'all. I'm your substitute teacher Mr. Aizawa,Aizawa strolled in his bean bag the students looked up in confusion
Mina:I didn't notice before but Aizawa sender's hair's black..
Deku:What the fu-
I taught school for 20 years in the inner city, so don't even think about messing with me..
Many at this point were thinking if he hit his head.
Mic:The inner city huh?
Aizawa:Oh Buzz off!
You all feel me? they all franticly nodded there heads
Iida:Pfft y'all look like Bobby heads(I forgot the name)
Okay, let's take the roll here.
Mina A-shit-do,
Momo followed by Iida burst out laughing
Mina just glared at the too

where's Mina A-shit-do at? No
A-shit-do here? Yeah?Aizawa started looking around for
'A-shit-do' looking right at Mina, Mina just groaned on why she was being attacked first
Mina:Uh, do you mean, Ashido?
Mina:I expect this crap from
Mic-sensei not Aizawa-sensei....
Mr. Aizawa: Okay, so that's how it's going to be, you all want to play, okay then; I got my eye on you
The dekusquad burst out laughing at serious his tone was soon some other students joined in
Mina who just wanted to lay down and sleep grudgingly Sat down not happy on how much longer roll call is going to take
Momo:She looks so done
Mr.Aizawa: Dank-i Kaminari, where is Dank-i Kaminari at? No, Dank-i here today?Aizawa said it in a way were it wasn't Dank-i which Denki could laugh at but in way were he said st' at the beginning...making it would an awful lot like Stanki as he did the same thing he did to Mina
Again the dekusquad burst out laughing while Denki was not amused
Denki:I'm sorry for my outburst but Why aren't you showing things about them and when did this happen?!
Denki groaned and Raised his hand
Aizawa:Yes sir?
Denki: My name is Denki he said it in the same way as Mina as Sero to the left of him Struggled to not burst out laughing
Iida:See Sero knows what were talking about!
Sero just sighed
Mr.Aizawa: Are you out of your God damn mind? Denki? What? Do you want to go to war Dank-i?
Mic:Hey Nemuri you have space in your phone the space in my phone just finished
Aizawa:what don't film this!!
Mic:Already had why did you think I ran out of space?
Denki:No. Denki said this with a deadpan face at Aizawa quickly turning to half-heartedly glare at the now cackling Sero
Iida:Why does this happen when I'm not here! I Momo were you there??
Momo:No I don't think so Hey Mina on should I say A-shit-do?
Mina just grunted
Momo:when did this happen???
Mina:I don't know
Momo:but you were there!!
Mina:none of us remember this!
Mr.Aizawa: Because we could go to war?
Denki just reapeated his answer with The same done expression as Mina
Mr.Aizawa: I'm for real, I'm for real, so you better check yourself.
Aizawa just sulked in his seat as Mic filmed Nemuri trying to cheer Aizawa up
Uraraka Sat there steaming
Mina:Ha. Bitch...Mina mumbled the last part to prevent Kaminari from hearing her
is there a U-ray-ray-ka? If one of y'all say some silly ass name, this whole class is going to feel my wrath, now U-ray-ray-ka?
Uraraka:Do you mean Uraraka?
Mr. Aizawa:Son of a bitch! He broke his Clipboard and pointed at Uraraka
Kaminari:Mr Aizawa!
Aizawa :TvT
You say your name right, right now?
Mr.Aizawa:Say it right?
Uraraka: Uraraka
Mr.Aizawa: Correctly.
Uraraka: Uraraka
Uraraka: Uraraka
Uraraka sighed
Mina stifled a laugh as Momo and Iida burst out laughing followed by Aoyama and Mic basically people she's a general bitch to
Kami:In surprised she have in and didn't curse yet
Sero:she seemed Softer also brown hair?
(ok so I made her have pink hair because when I was writing the first chapter I was having trouble on what her and Sato hair should be so now It's kinda weird because Mina has Blue hair not brown hair so Maybe she can Have orange hair but at the same time then it wouldn't make sense why she was mad at Mina in the first chapter)
Mr. Aizawa:That's better, thank you.
Now a I-I-Da,
Iida:Oh come on!
Mom o:hA-
Iida:wait I wasn't there what going on??
where are you, where is a
I-I-Da, right now, no. I-I-Da huh? Oh, you better be sick, dead or mute,
Momo:Oh God I feel so bad! The message though sweet wasn't well received. Cause she was Laughing her ass off as the whole time Iida glared at her
Iida: Here. Oh man.
Deku:Pfft you look like a nerd also blue hair there are enough of those
Mr. Aizawa: Why didn't you answer me the first time I said?
Mic:Heh.maybe you have been hanging out with me too much
Aizawa:Hizashi..we're Married
Mic:Your Point?
Mr. Aizawa:.I'm just asking, I said it like four times, so why didn't you say it the first time I said I-I-Da,
Iida:Because it's pronounced Iida
Mina:wow that's a big word for you
Iida:What no it isn't!
Tsuyu:..You forgot how to say Compliment yesterday....
Iida just glared at the girl making her shrink down in her seat
Mr Aizawa: Son of a bitch, she took up a Plastic Mug and through it y the nearest person which happens to be Sero as Kaminari Smirked at Him
Momo:His face-
you done messed up. I-I-Da now take your ass on down to O. Shag Hennessy's office right now, and tell him exactly what you did.
Mr. Aizawa: O. Shag Hennessy.
Iida: Principle Nezu?
Kami:I just sat Iida seems more out together here
Deku:Yeah he looks like a nerd!
Kami:that's not what I- sigh...
Mr. Aizawa: Get out of my God damn classroom before I break my foot up in your ass.
Aizawa:Mic no-
Insubordinate and churlish.
Katsuki Baka- gou
Bakugou smirked
Momi:Pfft-is he Mocking him!
Iida:Damn I didn't know he had the guts
Aoyama:huh he just one upped him I guess
Mr.Aizawa:Thank you.
Momo:Pfft- and he didn't even notice!
Iida:Pfft hey crybaby give me a high five that was funny
Katsuki:u-uh ok
Author-chan:Now any questions I"'ll answer them all
Kaminari:Why did none of us remember this happening?
Mina:Yes and why did we look different?
Author-chan:I lied..Next clip!
Author-chan:sorry but you can't know that yet

Hope you like the next chapter Author-chan out ✌

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