Memes(short And A/N)

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Heyy so good news
Expect a filler chapter by tomorrow or fridayyy
As I just have to fill in the reactions and publish it
As well As spell check it
Beacuase I have no school tomorrow because it's a holiday in my countryyy so I have all day to writeee
But until that Imma have a Short chapter for it(this)
I'm really happy with it And hope it will be a fun interactive as well as Entertaining? Chapter
It's a surprise!
Love y'all <3
But for now let's have them react to memes because I don't want I release Another A/N even if a chapter's directly after it I'll feel to bad and Think I've wasted your time so-


Kiri held Katsuki protectivly as Katsuki nervously Chuckled

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Kiri held Katsuki protectivly as Katsuki nervously Chuckled

Sero slightly glared at the Picture
Iida noticing and snickering

Iida:Oh my- A-are you jealous



Iida Continued to choke on his out spit-

Iida Continued to choke on his out spit-

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Tokoyami:Gasppp Language!

Aoyama:I like him

Tokoyami: Bigger gaspppp you actually like someone-?!?

Kiri nodded in approvalKatsuki:Kiri no-Kirishima:Kiri yes

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Kiri nodded in approval
Katsuki:Kiri no-
Kirishima:Kiri yes

(in getting Todoroki and Deku vibes from them rn-)

Iida:pfft Eh well Our Buzzkill wouldn't do that right? Like imagine-

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Iida:pfft Eh well Our Buzzkill wouldn't do that right? Like imagine-

Momo:Pfft totallyyy

Kaminari Squirmed in his seat his head tilting To Ojirou

Mina noticing and her eyes Widened

Mina:Kami- KAMI NO-

Kaminari had already gotten a hold of Ojirou's tail-

Kaminari still petting Ojirou's tail who was currently stuffing his face in a pillow looked away from Mina

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Kaminari still petting Ojirou's tail who was currently stuffing his face in a pillow looked away from Mina

Mina:Kaminari Denki! don't you dare tell me your considering it!

Also Imma make a One shot book for both Inverted and normal bnha became I can't decide on my ships-

The only reason this ain't longer is because I can't find any memes and because my batteries at 7%-

Inverted Bnha reacts to BnhaWhere stories live. Discover now