I do adore

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(^finally I found one)
Author-chan:Get ready for Uraraka and Tsuyu being adorable.
Deku:Uraraka? Isn't she only nice to Frog girl-uh Tsuyu
Uraraka:whats it to you!
Deku: nothing nothing,just your a softie with her Deku said this in a tone to tick her of
Uraraka: ok now your just trying to tik me off
Author-chan:Calm your tits kirbylovechild
Jirou appeared. On the screen beside Uraraka they were both sitting on a bed
Jirou:You sure?
Momo:Huh Jirou? So thought you were scared of her? Also since when do you stutter??!
Uraraka:I. Don't. Stutter.
Momo:But ya did
Jirou:A-one, two, three, four
Momo:you seem more confident here Jirou!
Uraraka:Everything you do, it sends me Higher than the moon
It shows Uraraka literally in the sky floating her face red.
Momo:Well thats not something you see everyday-
Mina:her voice is oddly soft....
Iida:not gonna lie first time seeing you in a skirt
Uraraka:Shut up Retards
Tsuyu:I- I think it looks cute..
Uraraka tried to speak but just ended up sputtering and Blushing
Uraraka:N-not a word
Momo:She doesn't stutter she says~
Deku:It won't matter because froggy could blink and you'd be there with us!
At this point both Deku and Momo were running away as Uraraka bounced out of her seat and started chasing them
After a small break of Author-chan screaming there lungs out for them to please calm down
with every Twinkle in your eye
You strike a match that lights my heart on fire the screen switched to Tsuyu who was looking at Uraraka daydreaming trying to snap her out of it Uraraka's face red
Momo:I've gotta film this-
Mina:Green hair and Brown hair?.. when did?....
Jirou stopped for a second looking at Uraraka as she stopped singing
Jirou:what's wrong?
Uraraka:Nothing it's just How is she so perfect!!!
Tsuyu in the crowd blushed a bit but it fortunately wasn't noticed by anyone unfortunately For her Author-chan ment everyone but Uraraka didn't notice
Jirou just laughed Momo came into the room
Momo:What are you two up too?
Kiri:hey good for you ya look less like a slut now
Sero:I'm right here,not all blondes are sluts remember
Kiri:Sorry dude but she isn't helping your case
Jirou:Yaomomo!well I agreed to help Uraraka write a song for Tsuyu
To-do:Yaomomo?....b l a c k m a i l
Momo:Well thats wonderful any success?
Mina:Again these are some big words for her
Sero:Maybe the blonde thing does apply to her.....
Jirou:well we just stopped Cause Uraraka got flustered
Uraraka:I did not!
Jirou just turned and have her a look
Uraraka:it's not my fault she's so perfect....
Deku:Are you sure that Softie is this bitch? Deku pointed his finger from the screen to a pissed off Uraraka
Author-chan:heh heh welllll
Momo:Aww cheer up, how about some cookies?
Momo:Tsuyu's in the kitchen-
Iida:Mom move-
Uraraka instantly shot up
Uraraka:What are we waiting for let's go already
Mina: this is weird she's being
So motherly when she usually acts like a drunk college kid..
Deku:Someone's excited-
They came back into the room Uraraka blushing
Tokayami:Aww I wanted to see what happened
Uraraka:Jirou I think can continue the song!
Iida:why aren't you like this??Whyyyy Your such a cinnamon roll Why don't you act like this around us!!!!
Uraraka:I didn't do this
Momo:I don't even remember this but Damn it Uraraka your being adorable
Deku:Softie Softie Softie Softie~
Mina:This certainly is new...
Kami:I can't disagree..
Sero:What caused this?
Jirou:Great come on!
Uraraka took a deep breath and continued
Uraraka: When you're near, I hide my blushing face. It showed a flustered Uraraka hiding behind a Confused Iida
Deku:Again with the blue hair and nerd energy
Iida:I didn't?
Uraraka:Oh wow! you don't say...
Iida:Hey!.....ooooh you weren't lying...
Uraraka:No shit Sherlock
And trip on my shoelaces Grace just isn't my forté. It shown Uraraka tripping and saving herself from falling at the last minute by floating while letting out a sigh of relief she slowly lowered herself into the floor
Momo:Your so clumsy on screen
Uraraka just grumbled to herself
Deku:Sometimes I wish to have Gravity power
Deku:So I wouldn't of had to meet you earlier than I had to When you prevented me falling
Uraraka:Bitch I saved your Ass
Deku: well Maybe I liked the dirt Bitch
But it brings me to my knees when you say.
The screen was at an angle that showed Tsuyu legs walking up to Uraraka who was in the floor looking up at her
Aoyama:Shut the hell up
Hello, how are you, my darling, today? The screen shifted to Tsuyu holding her hand out for Uraraka while saying it to Uraraka and back to Uraraka Resaying in her song
Momo:Damn talk about a confidence boast
Iida:that was bold
Deku:Damn Frogface Didn't know you had it in you
I fall into a pile on the floor Uraraka was frozen inplace
Puppy love is hard to ignore, she slowly reached for Tsuyu and Tsuyu picked her up smiling at her as Uraraka stared in awe
When every little thing you do, I do adore
Tsuyu walked past her to and went outside While Uraraka put her hands on her face you guessed it blushing while she accidentally floated up While Momo held her down
Momo:Why can't you be like this?!??!!.
Uraraka:Oh f👀k off
Mina:feels weird seeing Momo be responsible
Kami:I know what you mean..
We're as different as can be
I've noticed you're remarkably relaxed. Uraraka looked over to see Tsuyu pissing off a you guessed it a pissed bakugou
Deku:This bitch relaxed? Since when
Kiri:Am I the only one who noticed A pissed Bakugou...
Todo: look at that the crybaby's pissed
And I'm overly uptight Uraraka was shown worriyng about some thing
Momo:this is new
Aoyama:what hasn't been new in this?..
Momo:.....good point
We balance out each other nicely
Que unique ways Author'chan couldn't think of of them helping each other
I wear sandals in the snow(hA I did my research here!)
In mid-July, you still feel cold
We're opposites in every way
But I can't resist it when you say
Deku:huh oh yeah she's a frog maybe you should of dyed your hair or well keep your hair dyed like in the video out says frog more that purple mutter mutter...
Iida:why is he?
Uraraka: don't pay him any mind
Hello, how are you, my darling, today?
I fall into a pile on the floor
Puppy love is hard to ignore
When every little thing you do, I do adore
Mina:this song is really cute though...
Momo: you complimented something?!
Mina just groaned
The screen then shifted to Uraraka holding a love letter standing in front of a lake she a Tsuyu would visit because Tsuyu loves it so much
Momo:Le Gasp is That a love letter!!
Todoroki:This is soo cute!!
Finding words, I mutter
Deku:hey that's my thing-
Tongue-tied, twisted. Uraraka closed her lips tight reciting the song in her head
Tsuyu: Uraraka? Uraraka froze at the call
Foot in mouth, I start to stutter
Momo:She doesn't stutter she says-
Ha, ha, Heaven help me.
Uraraka took a breath and turned around
Uraraka: Hello, how are you, my darling, today?
Tsuyu had here no the slightly opened which then Turned into a giggle as Uraraka countinues
Momo:I'm going to die-
Uraraka: I fall into a pile on the floor Puppy love is hard to ignore
When every little thing you do, I do adore Tsuyu ran up and hugged Uraraka making the both fall into the lake as the music played in the back ground
Every little thing, ba-ba-ba-ba Uraraka looked at Tsuyu
Every little thing, ba-ba-ba-ba
Tsuyu Looked at Uraraka
Every little thing you do I do..Adore they kissed and the screen turned off
(this was low-key so cute to write)
Mom :Eeeeeeeeee that was adorable!!
Author-chan:So what did you think?
Todoroki:meh that was boring no dying
Deku:strangely adorable
Mina:Soft...It was ok I guess Now why were we different will you explain now??
Author-chan:fine...ok so you be been reacting to your Originals
Author-chan:You guys are from a swapped version of there universe Called Inverted Bnha because there Universe is called Bnha Ok? Ok
(ngl I as gonna put After explaining because Author-chan is lazy)
Deku:Wait does that mean there Heroes!?
Author-chan:Ya know what Imma put something for you guys to Really get there personalities or some thing sound good?
Kami:It would be good to gather intellect on them
Iida:I think he means We can gather info and stuff!
Author-chan:Ok then roll the clip!
(I can't Believe my shitty writing made this also fun fact this was suppose to be posted the same day Substitute teacher was posted like it was really short so I thought I could I'll though then I added Dialong..and made it into this long thing Do I regret it? hell no This is adorable)

and made it into this long thing Do I regret it? hell no This is adorable)

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