Last Friday Night

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Author-chan: so I had this Idea-

Deku:Just get on with it..stupid woman torturing us..

Author-chan: I- but don't you at least want to hear what it's about??

Deku: Fine but make it quick

Author-chan: ok so,

Deku: I said Quick

Author-chan: It would be quicker if didn't interrupt me so fucking much

Deku: hmpf

Author-chan rolled their eyes at the onion boy's antics.

Author-chan: now as I was saying Bakusquad swap bodies with Inv Bakusquad, where gonna see what the bakusquad will make their Inverted selves bodies do-

Momo: Wait does this mean I actually get to meet original Mina? Hell Yeah!

The Bakusquad sat in a blanket fort playing uno before a light shined and they were in their inverted bodies

the screen switched to Author-chan her mouth the only thing visible

Author-chan: Go mortals give me content!

Deku: The fuck you mean "CoNTeNt"

Author-chan just shrugged

Author-chan: Nothing you need to know about

They all looked around in Panic before somewhat calming down

Kiri: um Guys...I think we did some sort of body switch..

Kami: But who would look so similar to us?.. and no one was around us so what quirk could possibly cause this

that's when Mina practically lit up

Mina: Wait..if were... in different bodies...We CAN DO WHATEVER WE WANT WITH NO CONSEQUENCES!

Mina:Oh God...



Kami: Im disappointed...but not surprised

Kiri:That doesn't sound very heroic

Mina:Thank you!

Meanwhile Deku made jabs at Kirishima at the similar catchphrase

Sero: also what if their in our bodies? shouldn't we respect not potentially ruining whatever reputation they may have?

Sero nodded his head

Momo:Are you sure they swapped bodies? They're acting the same to me..

Sero:well too bad I for one am quite proud of my opposite

Mina just grumbled to herself

Author-chan: Ok that's enough responsible answers I need content

Mina:look alive people, when are we gonna have this this opportunity again!

Kami:Eh fair point

Kami:Oh God..

Sero:you're a terrible influence.. But I'm also too much of an idiot to deny this

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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