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I like the Baku squad ok-
I did this started this two days ago when I was bored and saw it but had this draft for a while so Damn this sentence fits alot-
This chapter is completely unrelated to the story
Author-chan: time to react to more Bakusquad!
Author-chan faced palmed
Author-chan:Original Bakusquad
:- :D
I present the the No No SQUARE Revolution
Kami was shown dancing in a circle he was drawing around himself in a yellow pikachu onesie underwear over it you know like superman
Kami:No No Don't touch me there
This is my no no square No No Don't touch me there No No
Kaminari shrank down in his seat Embarrased by his Original's Actions.
Mina:Oh God he's and Idiot...
Sero's Laughing could be heard in the back ground
Kami instantly stopped
Iida:The robot can laugh! well at least his original can
Mina:Maybe he realized he looks like a dumbass...
Kami:What you doing here Ser o
Almost everyone burst out laughing at that
Kami was next shown on A chair
Kami: No No Don't touch me there This is my No No Square No No
Don't touch me there This is my No No Squar-
Kami slowly looked up
Kami:What you doing here Mina
Mina had walking up to him in a hot pink Onesie with black to get stripes in Underwear( barrowed from Kami ) over it
Momo:I need to meet her!!!! She looks
F👀king Awesome!
Mina:F👀k your No No SQUARE Dawg YEET she flung Kami over roof top
Mina:She's also an Idiot....
Iida: :D
Iida: D:
Deku: Huh Blue's Clues cursed
Author-chan: Now for the Bakusquad Basically bullying Kami
Uraraka:Never thought I'd See that
The Bakusquad all surrounded Kami In Onesies (You can Decide Kiri Bakugou and Sero's Onesies
Mina:Kami we want the clout DO THE THING Mina had a shit eating grin on her face As she was filming
It showed Kami fake crying
Bakugou:Pick that up and Do it!
Kami:oK i'Ll dO iT-
Sero have Kami a pat on the back as the dekusquad and others laughed there asses off
Kami slowly drew a line around himself
Kami: No No Don't touch me there This is my No No Square No No Touch me there-
Kami Started crying with the face he had when he jams his brain as the Baku squad laughed ther asses off
Kami:This is my No-No square
Kami:You seem to enjoy it Hmpf
Sero:Kami you know it's not me-
Iida:OooOoooo the Smartass Robot Boyfrieds are fighting
Mina:Shut up dumbass
Mina leaned over and smacked Iida across the head
Sero Gave a silent thanks as Kami went back to watching the Screen
This time they looked to be at a mall beside an Elevator this time in normal clothes
Kami: No No Don't touch me there
Deku:Don't tell he's
The doors opened to reveal Kami Doing his no no Square chant
Deku:Oh God he is-
Almost everyone was laughing
Uraraka:What... they gonna do... to him now? Uraraka said in between laughing
He froze
And continued
Kami:No No
Everyone laughed
Kami:Do- Ay Ay Whoa Whoa Ay
He started when Kiri walked up to the elevator. It took a second for it to click for Bakusquad to stop looking at him like a madman
Iida:Now this is good
He went up to the elevator and closed The doors
Kami No No Don't touch me there this is my No No square
Aunt is point even some of the Baku squad like Mina and kiri started Snickering
The Bakusquad Didn't know if they should laugh or Smack him that ended up snickering though as they hear Kami coninue to sing his No No Square song
The last part came with Kami singing a No No square remix while crawling on the floor in a vent?
Momo:that was hilarious Why continue Baku squad be This cool!
Iida:So is your counterpart!
Kiri had to hold Mina back from drenching the Red head in acid

Author-chan:Lord forgive me for I have commuted Kami Abuse-

Author-chan:welp that was my short chapter

Sorry the next chapter is taking so long so here's this short reaction to Keep you happy until it comes out
I literally finished this in one day-

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