First Words

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It's been about ten months since I had the twins. The guys released Youngblood and were currently at mine and Ashton's house planning the tour. They were all standing in the kitchen while Sierra, Crystal, and I were in the living room playing with the twins.

"It's crazy how much Dylan already looks like Ashton," Sierra stated.

"I know, right? It's like they copy and pasted Ashton and it just came out a bit smaller," Crystal joked.

I laughed and the other two girls joined me. Callie wobbled up to me and wrapped her small arms around me. Her and Dylan had just started walking a month or two ago.

"Hey princess," I smiled.

She grinned back and nuzzled her face into my neck.

"Where's bubby?" I asked.

She lifted her head and looked over to the kitchen.

"Oh boy," I huffed, picking up Callie and giving her to Sierra.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Dylan walking up behind Calum and hugging his legs.

"Hey bud," he chuckled, picking him up.

Dylan giggled and hugged Calum.

"Dylan Lucas Irwin, what did I tell you? Daddy and your uncles can't be bothered right now," I groaned.

"It's okay, Zara. I don't mind," Cal smiled.

He handed me Dylan, who of course threw a fit after being taken away from his favorite uncle.

"Bubby please hush," I pleaded.

"Here let me take 'im," Ashton offered.

"No, it's okay," I sighed.

"DADDY!" Dylan cried as he reached for Ashton.

All of us gawked at him. That was the first time he had said an actual word.

"Oh my God," Ashton gasped. "Did he just-"

"He said 'daddy'," I said with wide eyes.

"You said your first word!" Ashton grinned as he pulled Dylan from my grasp carefully.

"Daddy!" Dylan echoed once more, this time with a smile.

I smiled widely at the pair.

"Good job, bud!" Ashton said to him.

"Sierra! Crys! Dylan said his first word!" Michael yelled into the living room.

Sierra ran in with Callie in her arms and Crystal followed.

"So did Callie!" Crystal shrieked.

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