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"Who are you?" Both of them asked at the same time.

Sophie was too shocked- and horrified -to do anything except stare. And stare. And stare.

"I'm..Er... school kid. That's lost," Sophie mumbled. His smirk made the rest of her carefully memorized cover up story wash away in flutters. 

"Yeah right. That doesn't explain how you hacked the lock, got the camera feeds, or why your holding that thing." The boy pointed to the Medler she hadn't realized she was still holding.

"And you seem to know quite a lot yourself," Sophie shot back.

"What's your name?"

Sophie was so taken aback, she almost tripped over her own feet. "My name?!"

The boy nodded. "I'm Keefe Sencen."

"Why are you... but... your a Neverseen member! Shouldn't you be trying to kill me right now?" Sophie wondered, and then realized that she probably shouldn't have said anything...

Keefe shrugged. "Maybe I should. Maybe I shouldn't." He winked. "Nobody will know what happens here."

"Yes they-" Sophie began.

"I got this." He grabbed a piece of shattered glass from the floor and threw it at the security cameras, which fell to the ground in a tangle of wires.

Sophie gulped, not sure if she was supposed to be running...

"You go first?" Keefe offered.

"Me go... I... what?!" 

"I go, not me go," Keefe corrected. "Proper grammar! What's your name?"

"Agent Sophie Foster- I mean Agent San Francisco- I mean Agent... wait, why am I telling you this?" Sophie demanded.

"I don't know. I mean, I know my hair is pretty flustering but-"

"Your..." Sophie tried to pretend like her gaze hadn't shifted to his immaculate blonde hairdo. "This is... this is just.. ridiculous!"

"You mean amazing, Foster. Amazing," Keefe insisted. He pointed to the doorway. "Seriously. You take them. Look, I'll even help you break the door."

He walked over and judo-kicked it until the wood toppled over. "Flimsy door."

"I... seriously?" Sophie asked.


Sophie didn't know what made her do it. She could've done anything in that moment- grabbed her Medler and zapped Keefe, run for the exit, grab the artifacts...

"No. You take it."

"Oh come on- that's my line!" Keefe whined. "Please. Take it. I don't want you to get into trouble."

"Me.. Get... I..."

"Speechless again Foster? Don't you think the nervous stammering is getting rather old?" Keefe wondered, laughing.






"Take it or I zap you with the Medler," Keefe told her, sounding dead serious as he pulled out a weapon of his own. "I promise. Take. It."

Sophie didn't know what to say. But she grabbed the two objects and stashed them inside her cloak anyways.

"I don't know how to thank you," Sophie whispered.

"Me neither. I'll always remember this, you know that?" Keefe asked.

"I do." Sophie hesitated, not sure what to do.

She knew she really wanted to do something- but it would break every single Agent protocol made.

So she settled for a mumbled thanks, before sprinting out of the room.

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