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"What were you doing over there, flirting with some screwed up Neverseen agent?" Biana demanded, grabbing for her fifth caramel-drizzled, chocolate frappuccino with a glare. She jabbed a finger in Marella's direction, looking disgusted. "I've had to spend all this time 'bonding' with Little Miss Rubbish-"

"Sorry," Sophie said, dropping her voice. "I... Never mind. Why? Did you need me?"

"Well you also missed the boys dancing," Biana reasoned, lighting up as one of the Neverseen members (looking disgruntled) slammed another metal tray full of frappuccinos onto the table beside them. "You should have seen Fitz! He tripped and fell into some idiot girls arms and his eyes got all swoony."

"Wish I could've," Sophie said, grinning- and barely feeling disappointed as she thought about Keefe... wait- what? "What now?"

"Call Squall? If we let them go, you know Leto'll kill us," Marella cut in, appearing by their side sipping a matching frappuccino. Biana turned away pointedly.

"We should wait for Dex and-"

"Ah, Dawn," Vespera said from behind them, making them both jump. "How are you?"

Sophie's heart hammered as Marella kicked Biana in the shin. She froze and said awkwardly, "Er.. fine."

"Frappuccinos? I thought you were allergic to them?" Vespera said, suspicion creeping on her voice as her blue eyes darted to the plastic cup in Biana's hand. "Didn't you just tell me a few days ago that the whipped cream upset your stomach?"

"Er... did I?" Biana asked, looking horrified at the prospect of a frappuccino allergy.

"You did," Vespera said coldly. "And Midnight, my dear, you said you hated chocolate and wouldn't eat it to save your life."

Marella looked equally traumatized, and shook her head. "I mean, I don't fancy-"

"Fancy?" Vespera demanded.

"I mean, I don't like-" Marella corrected, though her gasp was a bit of a giveaway.

"And Twilight you love frappuccinos too," Vespera went on. "You look like you haven't touched one."

"I have!" Sophie squeaked untruthfully. "I had the... er... pinkie... candy... sprinkle-y ccinofrapp- I mean frappuccina-"

Biana and Marella face palmed simultaneously.

Vespera's eyes narrowed. "What's the code?"

"The code?" all three girls asked together.

"A few days ago, I gave you each a code, in case I needed to confirm your identity. If you know it, then I know it's you. If you don't..." she waved her hand dismissively, giving them the sort of menacing smile that made Sophie have chills.

"Call Squall," Biana hissed.

"Um.. I have to..." Sophie's voice faltered. She cleared her throat and said, "I have to go to the bathroom-"

"You are not going anywhere," Vespera told them loudly. "Until you tell me the code!"

Sophie's eyes drifted past her shoulder, to the stage, where Dex and Fitz were sweeping up the rainbow confetti sprinkles that had "accidently" fallen from the ceiling. Their eyes met; for a split second, nothing happened. Then Dex nodded in understanding and pulled out his Imparter.

"Right," Sophie said, trying to stall. "The code. Well, I..."

"The. Code," Vespera repeated through gritted teeth. "Nothing to hide, nothing to fear, Twilight."

"I..." Sophie gulped, glancing wildly at Marella and Biana for help. "I don't know!"

"What do you mean you don't know?" Vespera asked.

"I mean I don't-"

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" a beautifully familiar voice shouted. Vepera let go, seething, as Squall and an entire cluster of armed, furious-looking Black Swan agents sprinted out of the elevator, fanning out into an admittedly intimidating line.

Lady Gisela cursed from on top of the stage and yelled, "Everyone get out! If you'd like to join, meet us-" her eyes drifted to Squall, who was raising an eyebrow at her expectantly "-if you'd like to join, follow Gethen!"

Another agent in a black Neverseen cloak appeared on stage. A good amount of people followed him, filing briskly out the door as the Black Swan agents tried to grab as many people as they could.

"Get out of here!" Della shouted, judo-kicking one of the agents and elbowing another that was sneaking up from behind.

"No way!" Biana called back, trying to copy her moves. "We want to help!"

"You guys did great!" Squall yelled from the other side of the room. Sophie flung the metal frappuccino tray at a Neverseen member about to shock the Collective member with a melder. She gave Sophie a thankful glance then turned back to Biana. "We got this, you just get out of here!"

Sophie nodded to Marella, who grabbed a very disgruntled Biana and led her towards the elevator. Right before the metal doors closed, her eyes met Keefe's; the tiniest nod. Sophie wished she knew what it meant.

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