Chapter Twelve

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Percy's POV:

I tried to keep myself under control as I made my way out of the apartment building. Annabeth and Luke were definitely a couple now, and I couldn't decide if I was more angry or sad. She'd kissed me back last night, but now she was with Luke. I felt sick, like any minute I could throw up.

Jason patted my back as I leaned against the building once I'd made it outside. "Hey man, why are you letting this bother you? I could see it on your face the second she opened the door."

"I kissed her Jason," I admitted, putting my face in my hands. "Last night, at the party, when we were playing pool she was right in front of me, and I kissed her. She kissed me back, but now all the sudden she's with Luke."

Jason nodded his head thoughtfully. "I can't say I'm surprised, but I've never seen you get like that so quickly. You really are in love with her, aren't you?"

"What the Hades? No, I'm not in love with her," I nearly yelled."It just hurts to see her with Luke. How would you react if it was Piper?"

Jason laughed. "Apparently, there's a difference there. See, I love Piper, but you say you don't love Annabeth; therefore, we wouldn't have the same reaction. I'd probably be a jealous pain just like you if it were the same situation with Piper though."

"I'm not jealous." I took a deep breath and stood up straight. "I really don't want to talk about this anymore. Annabeth and I aren't a thing, and we will never be a thing."

"Whatever you say," Jason murmured. "Now, where are we going to get ice cream?"

Jason and I walked to a convenience store about two blocks down from my apartment and grabbed a ton of the little containers of ice cream. Jason had insisted I needed to eat my troubles away with random ice cream flavors, and I decided not to complain or fight him on that.

By the time we arrived back to the apartment, Annabeth and Piper were sitting on the floor playing a game of Scrabble that Piper was being destroyed in. Annabeth glanced up and smiled at me, I hated her for that.

Jason sat next to Piper on the floor and looked over the board. "Dang Piper, I love you, but you suck." Piper punched him in the shoulder while Jason rearranged her letters and seemingly took over.

Piper followed me into the kitchen and immediately grabbed one of the cups of ice cream before hopping up to sit on the counter. "So, do you want to tell me why Jason called me over here after work to help pull you out of your heart break?"

I sighed. "My heart is not broken. I'm perfectly fine." I paused, trying to regain my composure before I lost it. "Why don't you go talk to Annabeth about her new boyfriend?"

Piper wiggled her finger in my face, as if I'd just admitted something. "Somebody is definitely jealous. I don't understand why though since you're apparently not interested."

"I'm not interested, just annoyed," I answered, using my spoon to steal a bite of her ice cream.

"Get your own!" Piper squealed, trying to twist around to avoid more of her ice cream being stolen.

Jason and Annabeth walked in and gave us a curious glance. Piper pointed at me as if I'd committed a crime, and she was picking me from a lineup. "Someone tell kelp for brains over there to get his own ice cream."

Jason chuckled and grabbed a thing of ice cream himself before hopping up next to Piper. "Stealing my girlfriend's ice cream, that's not very nice of you." Jason stuck a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth.

"Sitting on all of my counter tops, that's not very nice of you," I teased back, finally grabbing my own ice cream and sitting on an area of the counter as well.

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