Chapter Fifteen

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Percy's POV:

I groaned as Jason hit me over the back of the head. "Ow... what was that for, Grace?"

"You're groveling, knock it off," Jason replied. "Annabeth and Luke broke up like two hours ago; therefore, you need to wait a while before you make a move. Don't get me wrong, I'm team Percy and Annabeth, but you're not going to be a rebound."

"Relax I'm not going to do anything for a while." I laid back on the couch and looked towards Annabeth. She was across the room talking with Hazel, Nico, and Will. As I continued to stare, she looked over at me and waved. 

"Did our dear Perseus just admit that he was going to do something to get our gray eyed friend over there meaning he definitely has feelings for her?" Leo chimed in, pointing directly at Annabeth. 

I couldn't tell if Annabeth noticed or not, but I blushed before swatting Leo's hand down. "I said no such thing, shut up."

I heard someone approach behind me and was met with Annabeth's eyes as she leaned over the couch. "What did Percy not say this time? His brain really must be made of seaweed because he forgets so often."

"Oh, you know," Leo began. "Just that he's madly in love."

Annabeth laughed behind me, but her laugh sounded a little forced. "Who's the lucky girl that I've yet to hear about even though I'm with you all the time, Seaweed Brain?"

I felt my face turn crimson and was about to begin stuttering a response about some non-existent coworker when Leo cut in once again. "Isn't it obvious? He's in love with Dory, from Finding Nemo." Leo leaned forward and dropped his voice to a loud whisper. "I can't bring myself to tell him that Dory isn't real." 

Annabeth and Jason both cracked up as Annabeth moved to sit next to me. "I should've known. He watches that movie so often, it's concerning. Although, I would've guessed he would've been more into Nemo with that stuffed animal in his room."

"Ew, Nemo's a child," I complained, but I couldn't help the grin that spread across my face as all my friends laughed. 

"I vote that we keep Annabeth as an official member of the group," Jason spoke, raising his right hand. "All in favor say I."

Leo and I muttered in agreement. "You do realize that Calypso and Piper are going to kill you because they're not allowed but Annabeth is, right?" I spoke.

Jason grinned. "Annabeth plays pool and makes fun of you; so, she's accepted into the group."

"Don't worry," Annabeth started, her eyes shimmering with a challenge. "Once I get to know you boys a little bit better, I'll throw insults at you too."

I chuckled and threw my arm over the back of the couch, right behind Annabeth. "You'll be a great addition, Wise Girl."

"Okay, now the reason I came over here," Annabeth said, turning towards me. "You ready to go, Seaweed Brain?"

"Yeah," I answered, getting up from the couch. "I'll see you two on Monday, right?" Jason and Leo nodded before telling us goodbye.

"What's on Monday?" Annabeth asked as we made our way outside to the car. 

Crap, of all the people to forget to invite, I forgot Annabeth. "That's who I forgot to formally invite." I mumbled. "It's Estelle's birthday on Monday, and my mom is throwing a little party for her. I was told to bring you with me, but I forgot to tell you. Will you please come, if not for me then for Estelle?"

Annabeth grinned. "I'll be there. What should I get her for a gift?"

"I have no clue. I was going to go to Target tomorrow afternoon and look around for something. Do you want to come with me?"

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