Chapter Twenty-One

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A/N: I'm so sorry to get this up so late. To be honest, I've always struggled with wrapping up books. I'm genuinely quite terrible at it. So, just a fair warning this is the final chapter, and I hope you all like it as this is about the thousandth time I've rewritten it. Love you all, and thanks again for all your wonderful support!

Percy's POV:
One year, six months, and 24 days. That's how long it's been since my first date with my lovely girlfriend, Annabeth Chase. To say that the last year has been nothing short of a perfect fairytale would be an understatement. They always talk about these great romances in movies, songs, books, etc., but I never thought I'd experience that earth-shattering version of love. That is until Annabeth Chase.

I know all of this sounds rather corny, but I think today of all days is one that is meant to be corny. Extra corny, in fact. You see today is the day that I hopefully accomplish the coolest thing I will ever do, but for now that is a secret that only I know.

The morning began as every morning did; Annabeth tucked herself closer into my chest as I slowly blinked myself awake. Annabeth's legs were intertwined with my own, and one of my arms had made it around her waist, but her head was where it always was; right against my chest where she could hear my heartbeat.

I knew that Annabeth did this on purpose, but when she'd tried to explain why she liked hearing my heartbeat she simply became flustered and couldn't speak, which is quite the opposite of how Annabeth Chase behaves.

"Morning beautiful." I pressed a light kiss to her forehead before rolling her onto her back and placing light kisses on her neck. "Come on, Wise Girl. It's time to get up. We're leaving for Montauk soon, remember?"

Annabeth sighed and slowly opened her eyes. "Do we have to? Can I sleep for a little longer please?"

"Not today," I replied quietly. "We can sleep in tomorrow, okay?"

Annabeth nodded but made no move to get up. Instead she maneuvered me so she could lean up and press a kiss to my lips. I stayed beside her for a moment before pulling away and pressing feather light kisses along her cheeks and forehead. "Seaweed Brain, stop," Annabeth whined.

"Then come on," I groaned before pulling Annabeth to sit up. "We need to get everything ready and be out the door by three."

"What time is it now?"

I looked at the clock and felt a small blush creep up my face and neck. "A little past six in the morning."

Annabeth threw herself back and covered her face with a pillow. "I'm not getting up. You can go if you want, but I refuse to be up before nine on a day that I don't have work."

I failed to keep the laugh that came with Annabeth's tired state. My adrenaline rush for what was coming today must've woken me up bright and early. I pulled Annabeth back into me and laid down next to her. "Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up so early."

"Yeah, that was pretty rude of you," Annabeth muttered against my chest.

It hadn't even been fifteen minutes by the time that I started forcing myself to stop shifting as I couldn't fall asleep. Annabeth seemed perfectly content and out of it until she suddenly pushed off my chest. "I can't sleep while you won't stop squirming. I guess it's time to get up."

I followed Annabeth out into the kitchen where she began to make toast. She made two pieces, obviously both for herself, but I stole one the second she sat down. "I'm going to kick your butt." Annabeth said in a completely monotone voice.

"Have I mentioned how much I love you in the morning?" I teased before getting up to throw two more pieces in the toaster.

Annabeth ate in silence as I brought her another piece of toast. I grabbed out glasses and got us both some water before sitting down next to her. "Okay, spill it." Annabeth said suddenly.

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