Steve Rogers - Oneshot (Steve's pov)

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I was super bored

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I was super bored. I had to sit through yet another one of Tony's crazy parties. Almost everyone was drunk, and a couple of the girls tried to flirt with me, but I just pushed them away.

But, as I was scanning the room, my eyes landed on a girl talking to Tony and Rhodey. She had long, wavy brown hair, and wore a tight red dress and red heels. I went over to the couch and sat in the spare seat next to Rhodey. I sighed loudly. "What's up with you Steve? You look super depressed." Tony said with only a slight slur, I was surprised that he wasn't super drunk.

"I'm not a massive fan of the girls you invite to your parties, but they seem to like me." I replied. I heard the girl snort, but try to cover it up. Tony just gave her an accusing look and then said "Hold on, you two don't know each other. (Y/N/N) this is Steve, or Captain America, Steve this is (Y/N). (Y/N/N)'s my cousin, she works for Stark Industries."

I nodded in acknowledgement to the girl and then shook her hand. Tony got dragged off by some girl, so I spent the rest of the evening talking to (Y/N).

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