Skandar Keynes - Oneshot

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This was requested by @just_king_edmund. Thank you so much for it, I really appreciate it, and if anyone would like to request for any fandoms I will try and respond to it. 

"Happy Anniversary, love

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"Happy Anniversary, love." Was the first thing when I opened my eyes that morning. It didn't take long for a wide smile to appear on my face, and I looked up into the eyes of my husband of five years. "Happy Anniversary, Skand." I said, as I snuggled closer into him. He chuckled and I sighed, happy to just be in the arms of my husband. 

The silence was broken however by the loud footsteps that could be heard on the landing just outside our door. I shared a look with Skandar and we both chuckled. Suddenly, the door flew open and our two eldest sprinted into the room, practically flying onto the bed. I chuckled as our thirteen-year-old twin girls started attacking us in hugs. I looked back over to the door and saw our five-year-old son standing in the doorway with his favourite lion teddy in hand. I smiled and beckoned him towards us, and soon the five of us were in bed together.

"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!" The twins yelled right into our ears and Skandar and I both chuckled, and thanked our children. "You two should go on a date today, you haven't been on one in ages, and we can take care of ourselves, and our brother." One of the girls said, and I looked at my husband, thinking that that wasn't actually that bad an idea, we hadn't had that much time to ourselves since the youngest was born.

So, before I knew it, I had my coat and shoes on, and was ready to leave the house. I could hear Skand in the other room telling the girls the rules, and what they had to do to keep their brother safe. He came through to the hall and smiled at me fondly. I smiled back and linked my arms in his. I kissed the top of my children's heads and waved good bye to them as we walked off down the street to enjoy our anniversary.

The day was incredible, we spent the entire time together walking around the town, and we went out for lunch to a beautiful cafe. I smiled as we turned into our street and started walking towards our house. Even though it had been an incredible day, I had still missed the kids and often wondered what they were getting up to. As we got to the door I could already hear their laughter from within and I shared a smile with my husband. He unlocked the door and we went into the hall.

Skand and I took off our coats and shoes and walked through the house to find our children. We walked into the kitchen and I gasped at the sight before me. There was flour and eggshells everywhere. The place was a complete mess. There was even a clump of sugar that seemed to be stuck to the ceiling. The twins were stood in the middle of the room and had a nearly empty bag of sugar in their hands, but were looking at us awkwardly, and very guiltily. Our son was on top of the counter, and both him and his lion teddy were covered in what could only be chocolate powder, and he was laughing uncontrollably.

I looked over at my husband, and we both burst out laughing. I saw the girls relax slightly, and soon we were all laughing. "Mum, Dad, I thought you'd be mad at us, we kind of ruined the kitchen." One of our daughters said, as the other elbowed her, trying to tell her to shut up. "Oh, it's alright, your mother and I did something similar when we first got together, but it's getting late, we should start cleaning this up or we wont get any tea." Skand said, and I smiled at the memory, as he wrapped an arm around my waist. 

The kids nodded and rushed off to the cupboard to get the brushes. I smiled up at Skandar as he kissed my forehead. "Best Anniversary ever." I whispered under my breath, before we grabbed some brushes and started cleaning up.

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