Harry Potter - Oneshot

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This was requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva. If you have any requests I will  try to complete them, just message me privately or leave a comment and I will try to get it done.

 If you have any requests I will  try to complete them, just message me privately or leave a comment and I will try to get it done

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You've been friends with the Golden Trio since first year. You had feelings for Harry all through your fifth and sixth year, and finally during sixth year, when he was feeling most alone, you finally admitted your feelings for each other, and even though you knew the risks you put them to the side and started dating, so you were very close while you were all travelling around the country and Ron abandoned you. now it was the end of the year, and the battle was in full swing. 

You ran through the room of requirement to get away from the fire that was getting closer every second. you heard Harry shout your name and you looked up as he tossed you a broom. You hopped on, glad that you were more steady on it than Hermione was. You flew out the room, followed closely by Hermione, Harry, Ron, Draco, and Crabbe. You looked around, making sure that no-one was there, but as you looked around the corner a hand covered your mouth and you were dragged away from your friends. You struggled against his grip, but he was stronger than you, and you couldn't reach your wand which was stored in your shoe.

You were dragged all the way through the fighting, you saw your friends and family but were unable to call for them because of the hand over you mouth. You were dragged into the Forbidden Forest, and when you came to one of the clearings you saw that there was loads of Death Eaters there, and Hagrid was tied to a tree. Your hands were bound, as was your mouth, and one of the Death Eaters gripped onto you. All you could do was wait now for something to happen.

Soon enough Voldemort himself, and his snake, apparated into the clearing, and a sense of fear flashed through you. He came over and smirked at you evilly. He then cast a spell and projected a voice into the school, and you knew Harry would be able to hear him. He was telling Harry to come into the forest and face him. You hoped and prayed that Harry wouldn't turn up, but you knew him too well, and that he blamed himself for a lot of the things that had happened in the last seven years.

You only looked up when Hagrid yelled Harry's name. His eyes met yours for a few seconds, and they widened slightly, he obviously didn't realise that you were going to be there. You held your breath as the two enemies exchanged words, but you couldn't bear to look as a green light filled the clearing. Harry Potter was officially dead.

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