Chapter 5

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After a while of walking Melissa started talking 100 miles an hour. Like I'm shocked anyone can talk so much. She started aggravating the triplets. You could see it in their facial expressions. I yawned as we walked. I heard my name in one of her questions. I looked up, Zachary told me we had arrived at the park. It was a very tiny area. Yet it was full of children of all ages.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Zayden said bluntly. I nodded as Melissa floated off to another group. 

 "You can do whatever you want, hang out with anyone, and go anywhere.” Zoey added while grinning. “maybe you'll even find a cute guy or something. But if you don't immediately find your crowd you can always just hang out with us.” she nudged at meh. I nodded as I started walking. That's when a tall male approached me. Black hair and blueish gray eyes. I noticed a shorter person following after him. I say person because it was near impossible to tell their gender from looking at them. They wore a cardboard box over their head.

“Sidney Dean  And this is Lewis Jackhall'' The tall one said holding out his hand. At Least that answered my question of the box’s gender. 

“Elizabeth Aberson.” I shake his hand politely

“Your new right? Apartment 43. Floor 2.”

‘‘uhh.. yeah. If you don't mind me asking--”

“Lewis said he saw you walking to your apartment with Dr.Schroller. Right?’ He turned to the box headed male. The boy nodded as Sidney looked back at me.

“so how old are you?”

“16, how about you?”

“Im 17, Lewis is 15”

“Thats cool.”

“so where are you from”

“Santa fe, New Mexico”

“Oh. I heard it's really pretty there. By any chance, would you like to pick up food for everyone?”

I nodded.

‘Just let me go tell my friends real quick”

“oh okay”

I walked back to Zoey, Zachary, and Zayden and explained what I was going to do. After I rejoined Sidney and Lewis and we left for the Burger joint mixed in with the houses.

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