Chapter 8

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*yoongi's turn first*

I walked into the black tigers room because I wanted my laptop back.

I heard whimpers and alot of twist and turning.

"Yoongi may I get my laptop?" I said being considerate.

"Why are you in here?  One of three guys could have done it." He said in a snappy voice.

I sit on his bed and hug him. I know I'm not allowed to but I had too.

"Y/n... you need to go." He said trying to push me off.

"No, you know what. Im going to sit here till you feel better." I could tell he know I wasnt lying.

He sits up and makes a spot for me kn his bed. He turned on a movie.

"May I scent you? The others are going to do it as well but please it would help." I could tell these pain he was I nodded.

"Pay attention to the movie. It might hurt." I nodded again and he put his head in my neck and I felt him bite my neck and I tensed up then relaxed.

After a few minutes he left my neck. And we started to cuddle. He wasn't in as much pain anymore.

"I feel much better Y/n.. thank you." He said smiling. Pulling me closer to him.

"As long as you feel better. I doubt mind helping.  I love all of you boys." I said kissing his cheek.

"Well, that makes me happy. Let's sleep!" He said and we went to sleep.

Sorry for the short chapter.  The next 6 chapters will mostly be them scenting her so they will be quite short.

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