Chapter 08

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Gang On Up

As if on cue, a loud boom from behind us sounded. I swirled around to find the source. Lighting bolts came crashing down, one after the other. 

"Let's go, we gotta go," Thomas said and began ushering everyone to grab their things.

I slung my backpack over my shoulders and followed Thomas. 

"Run!" Teresa yelled as a lighting bolt hit the ground not far from us.

It was as if my legs had a mind of their own. I bolted forward, pushing past Thomas and everyone else. 

"Keep moving!" I shouted, "Come on!"

Lighting bolts came striking down all around us, making the situation more intense. As we neared the building my legs almost gave out. The voices echoed, and my ears were ringing. I heavy boom forced me to trip to the ground. With a groan, I forced myself back up and pushed myself to the door of the building. Only now did I take in my surroundings. Unused cars and trucks littered the place. Concrete structures collapsed everywhere, and I was standing in the doorway of another warehouse looking building. My baby hairs stuck to my face due to the sweat, my glasses were fogged up, I was breathing heavily, and my knees were skinned. Turning to wait for the others, they were all in a group carrying something, someone; Minho.

"Come on! Inside, let's go hurry!" I screeched.

My ears finally stopped ringing. When everyone was in, Frypan slammed the door shut and locked it.

"Who's got a light?" Thomas asked with a panicked tone. 

Someone clicked their flashlight on and shone it on Minho.

"Come one, come on,"


"Minho!" I grunted, kneeling down beside him.

My knees were still bleeding and covered in sand and small pebbles.

"Come on, Minho," Newt pleaded.

"Come on man,"

Thankfully, Minho let out a long groan, we all sighed. Minho had black dust on his clothes and neck.

"There he is," Aris said.

"Here you are, are you okay?" Thomas asked.

Minho leaned his head up, "What happened?"

"I think you got struck by lightning," Thomas replied.

Minho laid his head back down with a slight nod, "Oh."

A few of us chuckled.

"Let's get him up,"

"Nice and slow," I said.

I stood once more to take in our surroundings. The giant room was dimly lit, there were steel columns here and there, holding up the infrastructure.  

"What's that smell?" Teresa whispered.

I sighed and clicked on my flashlight. A human-like figure jumped up at me. A crank. I yelped and jumped back towards the group.

"Behind you!" 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

I shone my flashlight on something in particular, the chain that was around its waist. Why was there a chain around its waist? Why would someone chain up cranks? Screeches from the monsters erupted throughout the entire place. Tons of cranks were chained up and left to rot. I panned my flashlight around to get a better look at everything.

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