Chapter 04

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When Thomas had pulled the curtain back, I thought for sure that Teresa wouldn't be there. But, she was. He shook her awake.

"Thomas! They're coming, where do we go?" Fry yelled from the door.

"We gotta get outta here!" Minho yelled.

I looked around for a second before finding a chair, I quickly grabbed it and slammed it in the window. Glass flew everywhere, and some cut my arm. Thomas took the chair away from me and finished the job. Teresa threw a sheet over so we wouldn't cut ourselves. Thomas went first, then Teresa, then Newt, them me, then the rest.

"Stay behind me!" Thomas said, opening a door.

A man with a cloth over his face was standing there. Suddenly, Thomas readied the gun and fired, sending a circle of electricity forward. The thing latched onto the guy, causing him to scrunch up and shake. It looked like it was tasing him. I couldn't help but watch as I ran by. The only thing we did was run.

"There it is! There it is!"

At the end of the hall, the door we previously walked through sat. We ran until we got there. Thomas took out the key card and ran it through the sensor multiple times.

"No, no, no, no, no! Shit, come on!" He grumbled.

"Thomas!" A voice yelled.

We turned back to see Janson walking with his hands up. He had a smug smile on and was surrounded by guards who were holding up clear shields. Thomas grabbed the gun and held it up to the guy.

You are bad

"Open this door, Janson!" Thomas demanded.

"You really don't want me to," Jason said, smugly.

"Open the damn door!"

"Listen to me! I'm trying to save your life. The maze is one thing but your kids wouldn't last one day out in the Scorch. If the elements don't kill you, the Cranks will. Thomas, you have to believe me. I only want what's best for you,"

"Yeah, let me guess. WICKED is good?"

WICKED is good.

Janson put his hands down and sighed. He said something inaudible. The sensor flashed green and the door slowly started to rise. Behind the door appeared Aris and Winston.

"Hey, guys," Aris greeted.

"Let's go!" Frypan hollered.

I rushed out of the door and turned to watch Thomas. He threw the gun down at Janson's feet and ran. The door started to shut.

"C'mon Thomas!" I screamed, "Go!"

He ran and slid under the door like a ninja.

"Move!" Aris said and smashed the sensor.

Now, Janson couldn't get out.

"Come on, Thomas! Let's go!"

We all ran toward the main entrance. Thomas pulled a lever down and the door let out a hiss as it opened. We ran through and I took in the fresh air. That was something that made me miss the maze -- the fresh air. We hurdled up a sand dune.

"Go! We'll lose them in the storm!" Thomas encouraged.

We ducked down and watched the men with flashlights.

"Everybody, go, stay low!"

I followed behind Aris, copying his every footstep.

I wondered if he recognized me as I did him. After all, he was my brother. Before I knew it, we were sliding down sand and into a collapsed building. Minho shone a flashlight around the big room.

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