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I heard voices, but they were faded or even diluted. They sounded like they were far away but just close enough to be muffled. My skin felt hot but not like the sun rays kind of hot, fever hot. I simply try to open my eyes, when done I see figures of people maybe four no no two. What was going on?
"Amanda oh dear Amanda you're awake let me get your parents" a women maybe in here early thirties dark hair, coffee skin look silky.
Why are you talking like this or thinking like this?
I hear footsteps run into my room but stop suddenly. "Amanda how are you feeling sweetheart" it's my mom I nod, my father kisses my forehead "hi love" he says man can that British accent be annoying. "Hi mom hi dad" I say trying to smile but wince instead "honey try not to move too much yeah?" She says with the loving smile I missed for, for how ever long I was out?
When I think that, a nurse comes through the door with a clip board in hand "okay Amanda is it?" I nod "we will be taking some tests to make sure you are good and healthy to go back home!" She says with a huge grin. Which to my extent is probably fake. I puff "yeah that would be fine" I say smiling back just not as big.

My parents left the room with a wave and left me with the nurse, "Amanda what day is it?" She says pulling a chair to the side of my bed with a deafening screech. I flinch "sorry" I hear her mumble "January 24, a Saturday" I say pretty confident I mean why would I be wro- "no Amanda it's February 1 a Sunday. You have been in here the Rosedale hospital, for eight days"

The Unbecoming of Amanda DyerWhere stories live. Discover now