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I wake up the next morning to my alarm clock ringing it's oh so familiar sound. I get up looking straight at my reflection in the mirror to the left of me, my ginger hair could not be more of a mess and my blue eyes look droopy and tired.
My feet hit the cold floor and I shuffle down the stairs. 6:30 am that's what the time reads on the stove, I go to the window and look out of our new house.

Oh I didn't tell you? We moved out of our old house in Canada to a whole new country, just to escape the fall out. Why Australia what ever happens in Australia!

"Mandy? Amanda hello!" I blink "what?" I say just above a whisper "why are you staring out the window With a knife you look like you're about to go all woods man killer on me" my older brother Ethan says laughing, by older I mean by 10 months but I barley hear him it's 8 I don't even remember taking out that knife and I've been supposedly looking out the window for three hours. I speak up
"Ha very funny smart ass" I say giving him the side eye "hey no cussing in my kitchen" my mother says taking the butter knife out of my hand and back in the draw "yeah Mandy think next time" Ethan says walking past me to the cereal cupboard. I trip him.
"Are you hungry? I can maybe make you some eggs or some toas-" "mum I'm fine really I need to get dressed and leave okay?" She nods.

I run up the stairs two at a time, I'm so confused how could I not remember standing there for hours on end. While making my room a mess I finally pick an outfit, high waisted dark wash shorts, a black long sleeve crop top and a red flannel around my waist. I look basic but it's what a wore so fuck what anyone else thinks. "AMANDA! I'm leaving get your butt down here" Ethan yells "OKAY" I yell back running down the stairs again tripping in the process.

North Wood high like every other prissy high school, big though so I guess I'll have lots of space for myself. "Got your agenda?" "Yes Ethan I do, do you fine sir?" He bows "indeed I do my fine lady" I laugh taking a couple steps "okay I'll catch you at lunch" he walks to the back building "see you then sister"

Okay first class, history great just what I need on an early Monday morning someone drowning on about the past.
I open the door the sound of obnoxious teenagers fill my eardrums, no one turns their heads to even glance at me clearly their conversations are much to important. I decide to find a seat in the middle of the class for two reasons one I wanted to, two there was no other seats so that is a big factor too. "Class please simmer down" (see what I did there no okay continue) the class goes silent in a few second going back to all their desks. A boy with dark brown hair raises his hand "Miss you see it is the first day of school I'm guessing that we're gladly not going to be doing any work?" His accent as thick as everyone else's "Well Mr. Hood you gladly guessed wrong I'm sorry for your disappointment" I laugh under my breath collecting the eyes of many students, oh so know they look "hey new girl you got something to say?" The so called Mr. Hood says to me "oh no just that seeing as in that this is school that yes we will be learning today" he rolls his eyes looking to his left at a very colourful boy sitting next to him. "Now that, that is over lets get introduced to this new girl" she motions me to stand up. I slowly do "h-hi I'm Amanda Dyer I'm 17 and I'm from Canada" then I sat down and put my head down but not before a girl in the front of the class turns in her desk to ask "wait if you're Canadian then you have like a pet polar bear?" I sigh "no I do not, neither does any other human from Canada" "oh sorry just what I've read" I just shrug "sorry to disappoint" I start to play with my fingers like their the most interesting thing in the universe. That's what I hated one second out of no where I'm some outgoing little bag of shit then the next I can't even form a sentence. "Hello Amanda nice to meet you" the rest of the period was a blur.

The Unbecoming of Amanda DyerWhere stories live. Discover now