True Love

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     Shrek and Trump happily, and pridefully, walked to Trump Tower, hand in hand. Every now and then, Shrek would glance down, hoping that maybe, just maybe, Shrek could possibly see... Donald's Trump Tower...

    Shrek licked his lips, and chuckled. Trump looked at Shrek, confused.

   "What are you laughing about?" Trump asked. Shrek panicked, what should he say!? He definitely couldn't tell Trump the truth, not now! Okay, Shrek, calm down. You can do this. Just make something up.

     "Oh, Ay, uh, Ay thought of a funneh joke that my old friend told mey!" Shrek replied, forcing a grin on his face.

    "Oh... and what is this joke?" Donald asked. Shrek thought for a moment. Okay, funny jokes, funny jokes...

    "What did the sexy ogre call the creepy cheeto-colored millionaire?" Shrek replied. Donald thought for a moment, but his tiny brain broke in the middle of it, and he just couldn't think of the answer.

    "I don't know, Shrek. What did the sexy ogre call the creepy cheeto-colored millionaire?" Trump asked.

    "Daddeh!" Shrek yelled. Trump felt his one inch long almost non-existent pp get hard. But why?

    Trump forced himself to laugh at the joke. "Ah, yes, that is... a certainly bigly funny joke!"

    "Yeah, yeah. Ay can't remember which friend told mey it, but Ay'll have to thank them later!" Shrek chuckled. Okay, good job Shrek, he believes you!

   Once the two arrived at Trump Tower, Shrek's mouth fell wide open. He knew Donald was rich, but this place... this place was perfect! Trump looked over at Shrek, and smiled. His eyes then drifted to his lips. Oh, how he yearned to kiss them. He just felt like he couldn't control himself...

     But this wasn't just a feeling, Donald actually couldn't control himself... and he randomly, and passionately, kissed Shrek.

     Shrek felt a sensation of surprise and happiness spread all across his body. The moment he realized Donald was kissing him, he immediately kissed him back.

The kissing eventually became more than just kissing - it became... a make out session...

They quickly rushed to Trump's bedroom, so that they could keep this... private...

The two were silent, with the exception of minors grunts and moans (which of course, all came from pleasure)... they had nothing to say. They never wanted this to end. Never. Never!

But then Shrek began to crave... something much more... intense...

Until, Shrek gently pushed Donald away, and whispered, "Ay know this is all going fast, ladeh... but... Ay... Ay want more..."

Donald smiled, and chuckled, "don't worry, dear. There will be more... much, much more..."

The two immediately went back to making out. They were so happy, so content with what was currently happening, and they were both were so excited for when this would escalate. But neither of them knew what to do, or who should make the first move. But then Shrek, decided that it was time. He was tired of waiting, this time, he would be the one to make the first move!

heheheekssnsldlndbebrgnaweqs, weird ass sex straight ahead ;)

Shrek (who, if you couldn't tell, is a switch) ordered, "get down on all fours!"

    Trump immediately did what he was told. Shrek smiled, and whispered, "turn around."

     Once again, Trump did what he was told. He turned around, so that he was no longer facing Shrek. Shrek stared at Trump's ass, and chuckled. He started to slap it. At first, slowly, and gently, but then... it got much more intense.

    So intense, that Donald began to moan. Shrek's smile widened each time he heard the orange man moan. It turned him on.

    "Take it off." Shrek commanded.

    "Take what off?" Trump asked. Shrek smacked his ass again, and answered, "all of it."

    Trump stripped all of his clothes off. Shrek's mouth watered. Donald was a little chubbier then he had imagined, but still, incredibly sexy. Or, as Donald would say, 'bigly' sexy.

    Donald got back on all fours, and Shrek tightly gripped onto his chonky ass cheeks, which were for some 'unknown' reason, much paler than his face, neck, and hands.

    Shrek massaged Trump's ass, and Trump moaned in delight. Shrek then decided - it was time.

    He took off all of his clothes, revealing his sexy ogre body, and his enormous ogre dick. (All are born with naturally large cocks, even the females, but Shrek's was especially large!)

    He stuck his giant green pp into Trump's tiny tight ass, knowing that Trump and his tiny pp obviously couldn't return the pleasure. At first, he went in slowly, but then, he began to get quicker, and rougher.

    Trump moaned a cheetoly manly veryly stablely geniusly moan. Shrek gripped onto Donald's ass, tighter than he did earlier. This feeling was so good, yet so painful... he had to hold onto Trump for his own life!

    But, as we all know, all good things must come to an end...

    There was a knock at a door.

    And a familiar voice called out, "dear, what's going on in there!?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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