|•i forget•|

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Dex twisted a screw into the contraption he was working on. Setting it down, he glanced at the clock, rubbing his bleary eyes. Stretching, he shoved away from the table.
He stumbled down the stairs of Rimeshire, almost slipping on the marbles the triplets has strewn around the ground.
"Bex!" He hollered, wincing as he stepped on a marble. "Pick up your stuff!"
"No!" A whiny voice called back. "Rex did it!"
"No I didn't! She's lying. Lex did it!" Rex shouted.
"Moooom!" Three voices screamed.
"Dex, can you just clean it up please?" Juline asked her eldest, sounding exhausted.
Dex grunted, picking up a marble that had wedged itself behind the stairs. "Fine."
"Thanks, honey." His mom glided past him, up the stairs littered with marbles without so much as a blink. "Kids! The next ice carving is ready!"
Bex squealed. "Finally!"
Dex sighed, rubbing his forehead. He picked up a jar, bending to the floor. He dropped the marbles into the jar, each of them falling with a satisfying plink.
Soon, the the jar was half-filled with multicolored marbles. Straightening, Dec capped the jar, stepping up the stairs. At the top, he raised his hands to call Lex, and lurched, stomach plummeting as he stepped on a pile of marbles on the floor. He shouted as he tumbled backward, down the long stairs that stretched down the floors of Rimehire.
He dropped the jar of marbles and it cracked, scattering the glass marbles and shards of glass everywhere. The last thing he saw was Bex's surprised face as he slammed his head on the stairs and fell into darkness.

"Is he okay? Please tell me he's okay." An unfamiliar voice floated up, punching through the dark. "Elwin!"
Before Elwin could answer, Dex groaned, cracking his eyes open. "Ouch," His voice was slurred, head throbbing.
The voice sighed. "Thank goodness! Dex!" He looked up, head barking. The voice belonged to a short blonde with big brown eyes.
When she caught him staring, she broke into a wide smile. "I was so worried!" Her eyes narrowed. "Don't do that again! I'll go get your parents, if you want?"
Dex lifted his heavy tongue, swallowing. "Who are you?" He rasped.
The blonde's face dropped. "What do you mean?" She laughed hoarsely. "Dex, it's me. Sophie. Your best friend."
Dex strained his mind, almost passing out as his head pounded. "I-I-I can't remember," he admitted.
Sophie's brown eyes welled with tears. "Dex, stop! Did you and Keefe band together for a prank?" She sounded  desperate, and Dex felt his heart throb. Who was he, hurting this poor girl?
"I'm sorry," he said firmly. "I don't know who Keefe is."
Sophie was crying now, a grey-blue eyed man with a green tunic decorated with murcats had placed his hand on her shoulder. Elwin, most likely.
"What about Biana? Fitz? Tam? Linh?" Her sobs cut her off. "What about Mr. Forkle? The Black Swan?"
He shook his head. "I forget."
Sophie stood, eyes wet and round. "Elwin," she pleaded. "Fix it! Please!"
Elwin frowned, bubbles of multicolored light bouncing around. "He must have hit his hippocampus when he fell. Sophie, I can't do anything. You can try and restore his memories, but," he gave her a helpless shrug.
Sophie was gasping now. "Foxfire! Sandor! Rimeshire! Havenfield!  Iggy! The kiss! Crush cuffs!"
Dex shut his eyes. "Look, Sophie, I'm sorry. I can't remember."
She turned her face away from Dex, blonde hair sweeping her collarbone. Her strangled sobs filled the silence. Dex patted her back awkwardly, but it only made her cry harder. After a while, her sobs subsided. "I'll bring your parents," she hiccuped miserably.
With a last look at him, she slipped out of the room.
Dex shifted his head to look at Elwin. The elf was bent over, his eyes large behind the colorful lenses of his glasses. He waved his hand absently, a bubble of colored light floated over. "Mr. Dizznee," he murmured. "I'm going to inspect your head. Please turn over."
Wincing at the movement, Dex twisted. Light hands pressed against the back of his head, probing the tender skin.
An orb of purple light floated to Dex, hovering above his head. Elwin squinted, nodding as the purple sphere grazed his head. Snapping his thin fingers, Elwin waved the ball away. Pushing his spectacles up, he ran a hand through his dark hair. He opened his mouth, but the door banged open before he could say anything.
A short woman with amber hair and turquoise eyes filled with tears burst into the room. The banshee in the corner of the room squeaked in indignation. Around the woman huddled three identical faces.
Their blue eyes were wide. They looked to be about 12, triplets, Dex guessed. They looked like him, so they were probably his siblings. The ache in Dex's heart built as he surveyed their solemn faces. A man walked in, shoulders hunched, red hair hanging limply from his face. "Dex," he started, but broke off as the woman- his mom- cried out. She stumbled towards Dex, arms out, and he recoiled. Hurt, disappointment, and sorrow flashed across her face. "So, you don't -" she choked, tears running down her face. "You don't know me?"
Dex shook his head. "I'm sorry," he choked out. He really was. He hated to disappoint them.
One of the triplets spoke. The girl. "You don't remember any of us? Not even a little bit?"
"You look familiar," he admitted. "But the feeling is more like dejà vù."
The lady sobbed. "Dex,"
Dex reached over to pat her back awkwardly. "I'm sorry, Mother...?"
She turned, burying her face into the man's shoulder. "Kesler," she choked.
The man blinked rapidly, stroking her auburn hair. "Juline," He looked at Dex, his eyes wet with tears. "Dex, remember."
"Dex!" The girl begged. "Please. Your girlfriends, the guys that are way cooler than you! Dex!"
Juline looked at the girl sharply. "Bex!"
Bex shrugged sheepishly. "I'm trying to help!" She whined.
One of the boys tugged on a lock of hair. "So, you don't remember anything?"
Dex squinted, turning the images in his head. "I can," he said slowly. "But it's like a veil has been thrown over it."
"Well, " Bex shrugged. "Punch through the veil."
" I can't. " Dex confessed. "I tried, but I get a headache."
One of the boys handed Dex a mechanical contraption. "Try it. You were working on it when you fell."
Dex turned the device in his hands, feeling the way the gears shifted and shuddered. "Lex, you broke it!"
Lex lit up. "You remember my name! And that it's broken! Fix it, Dex!"
Juline looked up. "Love, can you try?"
Dex hummed. " Yeah. Here and there! " He twisted a small screw. He grinned. "It's a start."
Juline smiled, tears shining in her eyes. "It's a start."

I'm not really happy with this one, but whatever. Enjoy, loves!☁

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