Forcing Your Religion

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You knew it was coming.

Anyways, I have a problem with doing this. I make it knows that I love Jesus, and it's nothing wrong with that!

Honestly, all we can really do is type from here, and talk about it from real life, you can't actually force someone to love someone back, especially if they can't see or hear them.

God is real, The Holy Spirit is waiting to fill you, Jesus is your King, and as long as you love for the one who died for you, all you can do from there is pray. And if you need it, if God thinks it will better you, you'll get what you asked for.

God is a Relationship, not a religion. We just made it seem as if it was one so saying we have a relationship with him could be explained in less words.

A lot of people think that just because we don't support the LGBTQ+ comminuty, or do Yoga, or have sex before marriage, or smoke, and don't fit what society wants us to fit into, that we are crazy! We aren't, we're just trying out best to do right! There are fake Christians, and some who do it different, But at the end of the day, we love God. There is no right or wrong way to do that, and you just have to stop judging us, what else can we do? It is harder than it looks.

I honestly still have a problem with forcing my religion. I completely forget that it's against the Constitution, but hey!

It ain't right, but it's here, so we just gotta deal.

Not like we get a warm welcome into society either! We say we don't support something and ppl want us dead! Literally!

Yes, I try to get you to get to know God, but it isn't because I want to make you hated by the world too, I want to save you!

No other Godly figure died for someone he doesn't even know, half of the stuff written in the Bible has already come true.

Of course we would want to talk about something so eye opening. Feeling you get from Angel's and stuff is unbelievable and unusual. It's like getting an epiphany.

Its understandable that people really don't like when we're hypocritical or so pent up on someone who we literally can't have a simple conversation with. They think it's just simple minded people who drive themselves crazy with lies from an old book that was written by older and more close minded people.

And they're partially right. The Bible used to be huge, and it was changed. But we hold onto the fact that God still gets his points across no matter what humans decide to do.

I admit that we can be crazy, we can be suffocating and self absorbed and hypocritical. But so can everyone else. Just like they learn to be better people so do we. They think just because we believe in something almighty that we're automatically perfect and superior. We aren't, we're just a bunch of broken people who decided to try having God fix us. Whether we did or didn't believe in God we would still face hardship and have identity problems just like everyone else.

And I get it, everyone walks around with they're chins held high sometimes, they think they the stuff. It happens, and sometimes the change from humble to High and back down the humble road changes a person.

It's like wanting to be taken to your childhood home so you can live a fairytale life. Except, you have to fight a lot of people and break a lot of barriers with yourself to do it. When you finally make it home you won't be the same person anymore. You will still be you, just a little stronger and a little different.

(Getting off track here but roll with it, when I wrote this I was just all out of order.)

The Anti-Christ will come out of nowhere, he'll say he is a Savior and he will make it better. But it will be a price, a soul! You cannot fall for it! Know that whoever that may be, is nobody but Satan in skin, a wolf pretending to be a sheep. Please! You have to follow the alpha and omega! Anti will be lives by everyone, it'll be like a cult.
The few of us who don't like Anti, will live the worst lives here on earth. Assuming we aren't killed for trying to save souls.

If you stray, you go pray!

Pray to God, he will hear you, fall to your knees, bang your hands, put your soul into everything that involves the real God because you'll be tempted, I know I will. But a message to myself:

He/she/ it ain't !t, now keep your eyes on the Bible and the real God.

Get it?

Got it?


Good blessings to you all, I love you, Jesus loves you, don't loose your eternal life without fighting for it first baby!

Alright, I'm out!

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