Just a rant

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That rat! He's freaking coming for me at every angle! 😡😡

I'm my dreams

Making me doubt God

I can't even eat without him in my head like "you really think God is real? Just think about it!"

Bish, yes tf I do! Cuz he is! Satan, do you want beef?🧐 "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" I can already put you out of a Job, try me nigga!🔪🔪🔪

And even things like Aliens and other planets! I can't think about a single scientific thing without him putting it in my mind that God is fake because "there are other planets" and "the Earth is flat" like nigga STFU YOU SELFISH BUM! NOBODY ASKED YOU!

I can't WAIT until I finally loose this body and I can separate from him.

It's already annoying cuz this nigga finna make a human form and give ppl a freaking mark (ticket to hell) he already finna kill Christian's, so why come at us? He need to abandon hell and go do his own thing, like

suffer by yo dang self! Then you can learn what the heck PRIVACY AND YO OWN BUSINESS IS! STAY OUT OF MY DREAMS



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