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Rebound days are meant to repair a hindered relationship with the Lord.

For example: you find yourself stuck in a cycle where you repent and don't mean it, feel as if God left you, and/or feel as if Satan has more of a hold on you than God.

1: Stop lying to yourself. God never left you, you drifted from him

2: Satan is stubborn and i'tll feel like he'll never let go. He may even try to convince you to sell your souls to him

3: Desperate times, REBOUND

Rebounding can be done in a number of ways. Whatever makes you happy (can't be sin), you take a full day to surround yourself with that thing and praise God for it.

1 rule: Put God in it. Yes, they will be hard, and you won't be on high all day, be prepared for some type of negative feel.

Talk to God as much as you can, even if it's in your head.

Don't fall asleep while trying to spend time with him.

Occupy yourself with God-like things like Faith Movies and Bible games.

I took a day to rebound with my sister and mother, and I felt GREAT!! All we did was read the Bible, which anyone can do but I remembered Matthew 18:20

"Where 2 or 3 gather in my name I am also in the midst of them."

Happy Rebounding!

God Bless!😇

Wear a Mask😷

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