Chapter 10

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"Hey Volta what's going on?" I jumped up and looked into her piercing blue eyes with fear.

"It's an air raid alarm stupid. Now come on!" She dragged me out of our room and into the stairwell.

"This is a drill right?" I asked.

"No telling. Come on!"

"Where are we going?"

"Enough with the questions! Look, if you want to waste time, fine. I'm planning on getting to safety. Now follow me!" Volta finished with a shout.

Geez. She really is like a lightning bolt. I wonder if she was renamed for her feisty energy.

I followed her down the never ending staircase. I was slow on my crutches so I soon lost sight of Volta. How many floors does 13 have? The stairs were crammed with people who strangely were calm even though the alarm was blaring continually into our ears. Are air raids sirens common here? It was pretty hard to see where I was going, they must have wanted to preserve energy- there were only the occasional light and I kept bumping into all the grey dressed people.

At last, I descended to what must be the lowest level in District 13. I looked up and all I could see was an intricate structure of stairs. Even if there was light, I don't think I could see the top level of 13.  The walls around me made me feel so trapped and lonely. Buried alive.

I followed the crowd through a set of heavy metal doors into a large room, strengthened with steel frames along the walls. The room was empty of furniture, just people. This must be where people go during an air raid.

Volta was waiting for me and sighed as I approached her. I fixed her with my best glare. She led me to a table to collect water and a blanket and then led me to a corner where Edel, Ossier and Fennel were waiting.

I'm still in the corner now, back against the wall, knees pressed against my body, blanket pulled over me, candle light flickering on our faces. I don't know how long I've been here but my guess is five hours. Boredom has set in. So far no attacks. The Capitol is probably too preoccupied with next year's Hunger Games to care about us.

I look around me and see groups of people sat on the floor, talking quietly.  I guess you can never tell if it's drill or not until the bombs come. Some children are hopelessly wailing, adding to the air of doom and gloom.

Edel is sitting next to me who seems the friendliest person I've met in 13. I have questions for him.

"Hey Edel."


"Where are we?"

"Level 40. It's where we go when there's an air raid siren. Look," he gestured around the room and the ceilings. "Steel to strengthen it."

"Has there ever been an attack on 13?"

"There were a few from the earliest years," He stops and sighs. "I was six when the first one struck. That was when the Capitol ordered us to stay underground. They bombed the surface of 13 and won the war." He pauses before saying "Lots of people died. Not everyone was deep underground. I lost my mother in the bombing."

"I'm so sorry." My voice comes out as a whisper. "I lost my mother too. What was she like, your mother?"

"She was kind and always helping others. She always knew what to say. She was there for me. All the time. I remember voice and the way she sang songs and told stories. Her name was Mae. It broke my heart when I lost her. My father buried himself in his work. He was the mayor of 13 and was elected as President. At some points, I didn't see him for weeks. Other people took care of me. I don't have anything to remember my mother by. Only my memories. The Capitol made sure of that."

I reach out and brush his tears with my hands. His pain and his anger is all too familiar with me.

"Where is you father-President Ashbrook?"

"He's in Command with his team. It's already deep underground so they'll be okay. He's probably checking the radar for signs of an attack. If it was real," Edel says quickly. "It was probably him who decided to have a drill. I bet he's having a cup of tea right now."

"I'm going to get my revenge on the Capitol. Some day. It's my dying wish." I surprise myself with those harsh words. I have never thought I would say them out loud.

Edel looks at me with surprise and then laughs. "A tiny girl like you against the Capitol. What you need is a spark."

Even though his comment stings I'm intrigued. "A spark?" I ask.

"A spark is enough to set the whole system alight." Edel recites. It's what my mother used to say.

A spark. Fire, flames and a revolution to bring down the Capitol. One day, my spark will come. I know it.

I pass my time playing games and talking with Edel, Ossier, Fennel (he'll always be Sarrel to me) and even Volta. After two days, they decide to release us from the confines of this room.

I step out the doorway and fully immerse myself into my new life.

Each day is the same. Wake up. Get dressed. Attend the school and then follow my new timetable once I've left. Join army training. Progress in the ranks. Dinner. Sleep.

During the day, I work hard, desperate to make my mark in 13 and then Panem. During the evenings, I'm consumed with my thoughts of how to bring down the Capitol and their sadistic Games.

Before I know it, five years have passed.


 Thank you so much for all the votes and comments, it really means a lot.

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Let me know in the comments what you think so far :)

May the odds be ever in your favour,

J xx

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