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Author's note

Hi everyone. First of all, I want to thank Fairyparis that gave me the idea for this book. I recently watched episode 22 when Ash gets sick and Serena battles in his place and the motivation to write just appeared to me and I decided to write the book before I forget the ideas on how the plot will go on.

Once again, thank you Fairyparis for the wonderful idea. Thank you also to everyone who follows me and reads my stories and supports me. I know my books could be a lot better and I am trying my very best to make them better. So anything you feel like I should change in my writing please do tell me.

So without further ado here it's the first chapter. Btw: Ash, Serena, Clemont and Jimmy will be 17 and Bonnie will be 8. Hope you like it!!!


Our heroes are on their way to Snowbelle City for Ash's next gym battle as Ash's training becomes to a full boil.

"Greninja water shuriken! Pikachu dodges it and uses electro ball. Alright, Greninja now use cut" A big amount of water splashed on Ash as he smiled at his two pokémon. "Great stuff Greninja," He said while cleaning the water away "Now time to use double team"

"Uau, they're into their training like crazy!" Bonnie said excitedly to see that battle

"I'm having a battle with them after dinner," Said Clemont, Bonnie's big brother, standing a few steps behind her while carrying plates in his hands.

Serena comes running with a towel. "Hey Ash, you'll catch a cold," she said throwing the towel at him. She always worried a lot about Ash. She had met him when they were only kids and ever since that day Serena had had a crush on him. She was so happy when he asked her to join his journey. Ever since the beginning, he has been very supportive of her. Always helping her. Since she didn't have a dream when she started her journey, Ash helped her find her own dream. She admired him a lot. He was always her hero.
Ash grabbed the towel. He smiled at Serena. She was always worried about him. He felt very close to her like he had never been with any other of his old friends. He would usually think about her a lot like if she looked cute and pretty today or if she smelled like strawberries as usual. He never understood why he felt so warm around Serena and nervous.
"Don't worry! I'll be just fine" after he said that he sneezed. Yet he knew he wouldn't get sick so easily. The night was warm and peaceful, perfect for training and for having dinner with friends.
After the battle, the gang sat together for dinner. They laughed and told each other stories and memories that they have lived together in the time they have been travelling.

~~~Time skipped to the next morning~~~

The sun started rising in the beautiful place where our young heroes had decided to camp.
Clemont was the first to wake up followed by Serena and Bonnie. He tried to be the most silent as possible as Ash was still asleep. He signed to Serena and Bonnie to keep it down as Ash was still sleeping and they didn't want to wake him up.
Serena and Clemont started preparing breakfast and setting the table for breakfast. Bonnie tried to help but shortly after she sat and started to drink some tea.
After a bit, they started getting worried about Ash not being awake yet.
"Ash sure is taking his time," Bonnie said looking at the tent where Ash and Clemont slept
"That's because he was training almost until the sun came up," Clemont said still taking care of breakfast
"Wake him up for us, will you Bonnie?" Serena asked smiling to the eight-year-old
And so Bonnie got up and was heading to Ash's tent until...
"Oh, Ash! Breakfast is ready" she said as the trainer finally woke up and left the tent. He was still wearing his pyjama
"It's ready? It's ready" Ash said while rubbing his eyes.
"Morning! Go wash up. You hungry?" Serena said smiling brightly at him. Ash suddenly started stepping forward. He was waking to Serena. She was started worrying as she never saw Ash acting that way.
He fell onto her arms making Serena blush like crazy.
"Now is our chance. Now. Now" Ash said, his face completely red
"What's wrong?" Serena asked looking down at Ash as she felt her face warmer than it had ever been
"I-" Ash started
"I what?" Serena asked. She was thinking this is it... Could Ash actually say I love you to her... Millions of thoughts occurred her head and she blushed even more.
"I," Ash said this time with a more determinanted tone
Serena blushes even more. It was like her face was about to explode. She closed her eyes... Not believing what was happening
"Iron tail Pikachu," Ash said before collapsing into Serena's arms and falling into his knees.
Serena becomes shocked of what happened and so did Clemont and Bonnie who ran as fast to the two as they could.
"What's wrong?" Bonnie asked. Serena put her hand on Ash's shoulders making him face her. She looked at him as he kept his eyes closed. Taking big gulps of air like he was exhausted. She lifted her hand to Ash's forehead and quickly took it away as she realised Ash was burning up.
"Ash has a fever! He is burning up" She said
"He needs to get back to bed," Clemont said worried about his friend's state. They all nodded and took Ash back to his tent. With a bowl of water from the river and a handkerchief, Serena was trying to make Ash's fever lower. The three friends plus their pokémon were terribly worried.
"He must have a high fever! The washcloth gets warm so fast" Serena said
"He got soaked yesterday so he must have caught a really bad cold" Clemont added

Sometime after, the friends decided that Clemont and Bonnie would head to the nearest pharmacy to get some medicine for Ash and Serena would be taking caring of Ash until the two got back.
Serena stood still after the siblings were gone. She was worried. She needed to be strong no matter what. She kept the washcloth in Ash's forehead changing it to help his fever run low. Ash finally started to look better but then a loud noise was heard from the outside of the tent.
Serena went out and saw a trainer with a guitar.
He presented himself as Jimmy.
"Does that Pikachu travel with Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town? Word has it it's really strong!" He said getting closer to Serena who like the pokémons sweatdropped
"Really strong? Yes it is"
Jimmy kept playing the guitar as Serena tried to shut him up. In the end, he wanted a battle with Ash. Serena made him wait as she went inside the tent since she couldn't make the boy stop screaming and playing his guitar. Serena was afraid he would wake Ash up. Serena knew if she told Ash he had been challenged for a battle, he would want to battle even if he was in no condition. She also knew Jimmy wasn't the guy to leave and she couldn't get Ash to battle. She looked down and saw Ash's clothes and only one idea came through her mind...

And so she got out of the tent wearing Ash's clothes fearing that the Jimmy guy would notice it was her. Luckily for her, he didn't and so the battle began. Serena felt relieved she was acting like Ash. She was so happy. As Serena and Pikachu were winning the battle, Clemont and Bonnie showed up and were surprised how could Ash be battling but soon realized it was Serena. After talking to her, they went inside to give Ash the medicine. After a bit, they heard a loud noise. Team Rocket had taken both Pikachus.
But by that time Ash was feeling much better. So he got up and he and greninja attack the truck.
Serena was shocked at how he was fine so fast.
"That was me! Thought team rocket!" Ash said full of energy
"You're alright???" Serena asked completely shocked
"But you were so sick before"
"Not now! Thanks to Clemont and Bonnie" Serena was a little taken back by this as she spent the whole time taking care of him, making sure his fever would cease and even battled in his place and he didn't even thank her... She got sad although she decided to hide it. She would do no good by suddenly started crying or feeling sad about something so silly...
Well, it might be silly for everyone else but Serena was hurt because of what Ash said.
"So Serena," Ash started saying while stretching out "You battled in my place right?"
Serena was surprised and Ash... Well, let's say he was controlling his mind to not even wonder about Serena wearing his clothes and looking so freaking cute and hot...
"What's going on?" Jimmy asked confused
"We can talk about that later," Ash said "Now getting Pikachu back is all that counts"
"I really hope you forgive me... I meant no harm" Serena said to Jimmy taking Ash's cap off "Ash" Serena said the trainer's name while throwing the hat to him. He catches it, putting it in his head. This moment didn't go missing by Bonnie who was fangirling at the chemic between the two.

While defeating team rocket, Jimmy was astonished by Serena's power and bond with her pokémons, 'She rocks' he though feeling his face warm up by her beauty and kindness.

After team rocket was defeated, the gang explained to Jimmy the situation and how it leads to what happened... Jimmy was listening although his eyes kept on Serena as she smiled and blushed embarrassed... He found himself laughing in his head from Serena's cute giggle...

Clemont went to prepare something for Ash to eat, as he was so hungry since he hadn't eaten. Bonnie went to help.
Serena looked at Jimmy and thought for herself 'there's no harm in inventing him particularly after I pretended to be someone else'
"Wanna join us, Jimmy? We've got plenty" She asked "Everything Clemont makes us so
good," Serena said while smiling brightly
Jimmy felt his face heat up. He knew he was blushing. That girl was hell cute and hot and he wanted her.
"That sounds really nice Serena," He said trying to hide his blush
Although, this didn't go unnoticed by Ash who shrugged at Jimmy's blushed. Indeed he wanted to battle Jimmy but he felt like after the battle he wanted him the most far away as possible...Especially away from Serena.

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