Chapter 19: Saving the Teens of the World

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At the Black Cat, Arnold was in his lab, wearing a lab coat. He was preparing the Igno-Matic for his evil plan. First, he pressed a button, causing the test table to morph into a control panel. Then, he pressed another button to open the sunroof of his lab. His laser positioned itself to where it was pointing towards the sky. Xenna was locked in the same cage as Matthew to prevent her from stopping him.

"Enjoy your final moments of being smart, you pint-sized vermin."

Arnold then pressed a button on his machine. The Igno-Matic shot a red beam, lighting the sky and catching the attention of the citizens down below. Back in Akron at the APSPA Headquarters, Sabrina rushed into Chief Walter's office.

"Chief Walter, we have a problem. Arnold's using the laser again. Over 75% of students have lost their intelligence. Many teens in the agency fell victim as well."

"Impossible. Dylan and the other agents disabled the laser."

Suddenly, a video message appeared on a monitor behind Chief Walter.

"Hello, Benny," Arnold teased. "Long time no see. Like my new laser? It was a new project I've been working on, and I thought your agency would be the perfect guinea pig."

"This has gone far enough, Arnold. I've sent six of my best agents already, and guarantee it, they will stop you."

"And I'm so glad you'd mentioned that. Yesterday, I was fortunate enough to meet your agents, and I must say, they're quite the bunch you have. Too bad they couldn't say one of their own."

"Xenna? No."

"Believe it, Ben. I captured one of your 'best agents.' And once the others get here, I'll be able to make them unintelligent just like everyone else."

Chief Walter turned around and said to Sabrina: "Spread the word. Any agent we have that hasn't been affected, send them to New York."

"On it, sir."

Before Sabrina could do so, she felt a little lightheaded and collapsed to the ground. Chief Walter ran over and helped her up. He was horrified when Sabrina only spoke gibberish. Arnold took this opportunity to kick the Chief while he's down.

"You know something, really shouldn't have opened your agency while I was basking in my fame. Now, you'll have no choice but to watch everything you've worked hard for crumble at your feet."

"Not if we had anything to do with it."

Arnold spun around and saw Dylan and Brian standing by the steel door. Chief Walter was glad to see them.


"Don't worry, Chief. Everything's under control."

"...or is it?"

Suddenly, multiple guards arrived behind the agents and surrounded them. Dylan was surprised to see his brother in a cage with Xenna.

"Well, Benny, it seems like we're busy at the moment. Call you later." He hangs up and turns his attention to Dylan and Brian. "Well...Dylan Squires. Such an honor to finally meet the brother of the most famous agent at the APSPA. What happened to your new friends? I didn't scare them off, did I?"

"What matters right now is the business between you and me."

"Fair enough." Arnold turns his attention to his guards. "Finish them."

The guards began to brawl with Dylan and Brian while Arnold sat back and watched. The agents had the upper hand at first, but the guards kept coming. Soon, the boys found themselves backing up towards the balcony as the guards cornered them. Dylan and Brian were back-to-back. The guards surrounding them like a pack of hungry wolves. What's the plan now?

Secret Agent Teens: An Original Miller South Teens StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя