Daddy! Daddy!

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John POV:

We Walked in and there sat Laf and Herc "were have you-ami who's that?" Philip looked at him and his eyes glimmered "Fluffy" he whispered, " Lafayette, Hercules, meet Philip are son" Philip jumped off Alex's head and landed next to Lafayette. "Are you my uncle's?" He smiled it looked like Laf was going to explode with happiness, he picked Philip up and he played with his hair. "We're did you get him?"
Herc looked so happy " down town were Eliza works" I said looking at Philip, he was padding his hair "come on Philip let's go to are dorm!" He jumped in to my arms. We walked in the hallway when we past Jefferson and burr they stared at Philip but we just walked past "a kid?" Jefferson said to burr but when we pasted them. We got it are room and the first thing Philip did was take off his shoes and jump on the couch. Alex look like he was going to explode with joy, I went up to Alex and kissed him and Philip looked at us "can I do that one day?" We stop and turned to Philip "kiss some one " I said giggling "yeah!" "No" me and Alex said at the same time he was way to young for that stuff! Soon enough Philip feel asleep. We put him down in are bed and laid on the couch and I got a call:
"Hello John, I will be seeing you and your girlfriend at graduation"
"Who is this"
"It's your father! I will see you there"
Than he hung up

Alex POV:

John turned pale "what is it?" I asked "my dad" I remember all things John told me about his dad and how he abused him. He almost started to cry, I hugged him and whispered "we can do it" I looked at him and kissed him "if anyone dares kiss are kid I'm going to kill them" I said looking dead into his eyes and he started to giggle. " I wasn't joking" that's when he busted out laughing.

                          ~ a couple day's later ~
The day came and John was scared but not too scared, Philip refused to but on a suit so he was going in a green hoodie and black jeans just like his fathers. I picked him up and we walked to the gym. We sat down and they started talking. At the end everyone was talking to there parents except me and John. That's when we saw Johns dad, he walked over. To us and I grabbed Johns hand and Philip was sitting on my shoulder. " Jonathan" "father" it seemed like they were going to kill each other "so where's your girlfriend?" "I don't have one!" When John said this he's father all most slapped him but he realized I was there, "and I suppose this is your friend" John look like he was going to go sassy but he didn't, I think "nope not even close" he put up his hand to show him my ring and his dad was mad he was totally homophobic "John can we talk in PRIVATE!"  "You know what, no! Come on babe" we walked off and is dad was so madddd. We walked over to the sisters "hey guys!" John so happy bc he told off his dad "hello!" They all said "thanks again Peggy for watching Philip while we went house shopping"  I said that's when I realized I forgot to ask Philip how it was "oh no it was no problem!" Peggy said a little scared? "It was so fun!" Philip said and we all smiled "me and eggy and the red gir played Mario trill thy went to there bedroom"  we all looked at Peggy "red girl?" Ang turned to Peggy and Peggy turn to Philip "I paid you ten dollars not tell them!"  "I wanted twentyg!" I looked at Peggy and smirked "are you talking about Maria?" She turned red "why didn't you tell us!" Ang said "ELIZA NEW!" She yelled "what!" Ang turned and looked at Eliza mad and she nervously giggled that's when me and John froze "Peggy what you two doing in your bed room" I asked, Peggy turned head to toe and she ran off "she's not allowed to baby sit alone again" John said we laughed. Me and John and Philip walked back into the dorm. We had are things packed up and ready to go and John was sitting on the floor playing on his game boy "can you believe it? It just felt like yesterday you walked into here, cute as every "  I was blushing and so was he "and it was just yesterday when you kissed me and you were drunk"  he turned red and kissed me. We grabbed are stuff and went to the car and put are stuff away that's when Herc and Laf walked up to us, we all smiled and hugged each other "we will talk later!"  John said and we all nodded and Herc kissed Laf right in front of us "CALLED IT!" I yelled "oh shut up!" Laf looked at me mad, we all said good bye and John got in the car (Philip was all ready asleep in the car) and before i got in Laf grabbed me "listen here ami you cheat on him again and it will be your life and that's goes for if you hurt him too" i again was scared but I was one inch off of him so I got in the car and we drove to are new house.

John POV:

We got to the house excepting it to be empty we grabbed are stuff and walked in but when we did the place was covered in furniture and TVs and everything! Even the up stairs that's when the Schuylers came out of know were. "You guys have been so nice to use over college this is the least we could do"  me and Alex were so excited and we ran and hugged them " well we better get going Peggy said and they walked out. Philip ran up stairs to his room and we followed him, we walked in and John was jumping on his bed it was way to big! It could fit two people- that's when it hit me "there trying to encourage that he have sex with someone" I whispered and Alex nodded. We walked to the other door and are room was big! And so was are bed! Me and Alex looked at each other and started making out on the bed when Philip walked in "o-oh h-hi Philip!" I said nervous "wow your room big to!" Than he ran off. "We got to be more care fully when we do this" Alex whispered and I nodded. We walked down, Philip was watching tv "okay kid it's time for bed" Alex said picking him up "no daddy I'm not tired *yawn* " he said but Alex put him to bed and fell right asleep and Alex pushed me into are room and closed are door.


There is one more chapter after this but maybe there will be a spin off 😁


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