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Lafayette POV:

After that whole thing that happened today I decided to ask turtle and Hamilton if they wanted to come drink with us. I got to the door and knocked on it "turtle? Playboy?" I heard lot banging and then turtle opened the door with his shirt off and purple things all over him."oh l-l-Laf what is it?" Turtle looked super sweaty and breath less. "Wow you okay ami!?" He turned red and nodded "ooh~ Alexander~" I was super bad mocking him "AAA! STOP!" He pushes me and I just started laughing " me and John are going drink want to come" I was still laughing though when I asked this "maybe talk to you later byeeeee!" He slammed the door on me again, I looked through the door peep hole and I saw Johns and Alex laying on the wall making out then I watch them stubble into the bedroom and then I heard bed creaking noise. That's when I ran in to there dorm and the bed room door was locked. "HEY ALEX DONT BE GET ANY SEXUAL IDEAS OR SEXUAL MOVES WITH JOHN!" "SHOT!" I heard Alex say "FREAK OFF LAF!" John said that and I slammed my hand on the door. "JOHN YOUR GROUND! IM CALLING HERC!" I got on the phone with Herc telling him to get his butt over here and could hear them putting stuff back on. Then Herc came speeding in "JOHN OPEN THE DOOR!" We could hear same mumbles and John opened the door  Alex was standing be hide him. I ran full speed at Alex but John held me back "YOUER DEAD YOU HEAR ME ALEXANDER! HOW DARE YOU TOCH MY BÉBÉ! AND YOU HAD HIM LOSE HIS VIRGINITY! GRRR COME HERE!" I screamed way to loud "L-LAF YOU SAID YOU WANTED DRINKING LETS GO!" Ugh John always new how to make me clam down. So we all walked out and he keep Hamilton away from me but I death  stared him the whole way. We walked in and there sat Aaron burr. "Aaron!" He turned around and said hello to all of us except Alex "And this is" burr said blushing.

Alex POV:

I was introduced to this man named Aaron burr he cool like he would hang out with that dumb Thomas Jefferson. Then we all started drinking even burr in 10 minutes we were all wasted except Laurance. Burr looked at me and said "you know Hamilton you cute for a little boy~" we both blushed and Laurance was fighting mad Herc was holding him back. "Is your bed free tonight?~ " he winked at me I turned red but I turned to see Laf and Herc holding John back. "Hehe~ sorry sir but my bed is all ready filled~" he looked mad so I decided to make him mader "baby ready to go" I stood up and put my hand to John. He toke it and I spend him around right onto my lips. Then we walked out and burr was mad. Me and John stumbled back home back into my bed.

  Hercules POV:

I was drunk and so was everyone else "oh um laf we should stop them.." "OH WE WILL HOT STUFF" he was so gone I grabbed his hand and we stumbled out leaving burr when we got to there dorm and oh my god right before we busted in we Heard "aaahh~ Alex~" "mmm~ John~" that's when Laf lost it he busted down the dorm door then Alex's room door. Both John and Alex covered them selfs "Lafayette! Hercules! GET OUT!" John screamed! "YOUR TO YOUNG!" "NO IM NOT!" This went on for five minutes before Laf passed out I grabbed him and said goodbye and even before I left I Heard bounced on bed. I put him in bed but before I could leave he pulled me in and kissed me.


Alex POV:

I woke up and ran to the bathroom and throw up. I was so drunk last night, who knows what i did! What if I hurt John! Dang it... I went back to bed and sat it till John woke up "OH JOHN DID I HURT YOU! DID I DO ANYTHING DUMB!?!?" He started to laugh, "you didn't do anything! But Laf may kill you" I
That's when I realize I had my shirt off "oh god" he started laughing. I looked at the clock "shot didn't go to class yesterday! I have to go!" I got dressed quickly and handed John a letter then ran out. I slide into class but Washington wasn't there yet so I got to my spot and sat down but when entering I saw burr sitting with Jefferson. I started to write again when Jefferson grabbed my arm. "Hey gay boy we're
your boyfriend?" Jefferson looked at me like he was going to kiss me "why do you care" "he's at there  dorm" burr jumped in "after class we will go see him" then Washington walked in "oh look here comes the General" (Thomas said) then he started talking and burr and Jefferson sat down. I had to get home first to take John away from here.

Okay look don't be mad okay! I'm goin go now bye!


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