ice skating? oh no.

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( ice side) ( akashi pov)

After we finished eating I saw atsushi buy some snacks from one of the stalls. I think he wanted to try new food while we're here. 'So since you want to explore want to try ice skating?" Tetsuya looked at us with a no emotion face. I looked back at my friends and they nodded. "Sure,where do we go?" I asked him then he started walking so we just followed him. Once he walking we were in front of a rink with ice the middle and rails to hold was an indoor ice skating rink.

it was an indoor ice skating rink

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There was nobody there. I looked at tetsuya waiting for the an answer."this is my clan private ice skating rink." He stated. "You guys have to have your own ice skating rink?" I question him with skepticism in my voice."why would I want to ice skate when people bump into me?" He looked at me like it a natural thing. "No one would notice me so they'll probably bump into turn to me." He said,then sighed and went and grabbed a pair of ice skating shoes."you guys don't know how to skate so one of us will ice skate with you until you can on your own." I already know I want as my partner.shintaro looked at me and sighed knowing what I was thinking. "At least don't put me with a meat head."tetsuya looked at him and smirked "then go with kise~kun he is smarter than aomine~kun." Daiki looked at tetsuya and scoffed. Ryouta looked happy at what tetsuya said."Kurokocchi thinks I'm smarter than aominecchi?" Ryouta squealed. Tetsuya nodded. "I'll go with atsushi then." Tatsuya said atsushi nodded. Taiga looked at Daiki then at tetsuya already knowing he going to be with Daiki. He sighed "c'mon Ahomine I'll be a better skater than you!" "Yeah right bakagmi!" Those two idiots started bickering about whose gonna be better. Which is obviously Daiki because he has probably more experience in ice skating than taiga. Oh well at least I'm with tetsuya. Tetsuya looked at me and nodded. I grabbed a pair and put them on. I put my regular shoes in the covered. The others did the same. Tetsuya held his hand out to was like one of those cliche moment. I accepted it and went on the ice. Worse decision ever. Once the ice I tripped and land on my butt. I saw my friends snickering at me. I just embarrassed my self in front of everyone! Especially in front of tetsuya! Tetsuya came to me and asked if I was okay I nodded even though my backside still hurts. To avoid falling again I held onto the rail. I saw atsushi skating with Tatsuya. They were holding hands and blushing. Wow lucky them I don't think tetsuya would do that with me. Ryouta let go of shintaro. Shintaro looked like he got the hang of it. While taiga and Daiki were racing and do tricks. I honestly thought taiga wouldn't know how to ice skate. But when I saw tetsuya skate I was stunned. He looked so elegant and beautiful.the way he skated was perfect. He has probably done this for years. He then came to me. "If you want to we can hold hands."he mumbled the last part with a hint of blush. I smiled and nodded. I was extremely happy I was holding his hand. His hand is soft yet cold. It was like a ice cream I guess. It was soft but still cold and I think I warmed him a little bit because I feel like my face is on fire! Can you blame me? I'm holding his fragile and soft hands in mine. Now that I look closely his hand is smaller than mine how adorable!" Hey what do you think are parents are meeting about that they want both of us there?" Tetsuya asked me snapping me out my thoughts."maybe, to discuss a way to strengthen the truce?" He nodded. We skated for couple of hours soon we got bored and left. It was night time me and my friends have to go back or else well be in trouble. Not like we won't get in trouble for crossing the border without permission but oh well. We said our goodbyes and jumped over.i felt sad without tetsuya.i probably grew attached to him already.once at the Phoenix clan palace I had to meet with my father and mother of course I got scolded because I didn't tell them I went over the border. They asked if I meet anyone. It was pointless to lie to them so I explained to them what we did today. I expected to be scolded even more but they just smiled and were happy I meet tetsuya. They were happy I told them that I am in love tetsuya. I thought they would be angry but they weren't,why? As I was leaving to my I heard my parents say"this is amazing ask hiver and glacon Kuroko if they also know what their son did today and tell them about seijuro!" ( I don't know kuroko real parents names so I just made it up.) (Hiver french for winter)(glacon french for ice cube)
Why would tetsuya parents need to know Im in love with their son? Won't they get angry? Why do they sound so happy? Whatever I find out tommorow.i went into my bedroom brushed my teeth. Changed into pajamas and put the dirty clothes in the laundry bin. Then went to sleep curious about why my parents were so happy about my crush on tetsuya and why inform his parents about it?

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