I have a crush?

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(ice side)(kuroko pov)

After we said our goodbyes to the others kise~kun and Aomine~kun and even himuro~kun kept asking me why I held akashi~kun hand. They know I wouldn't do that to a person I just meet.they know I would have just let them be by themselves if they fell. "Ne ne Kurokocchi do you like akashicchi?" Kise~kun was squealing like a little girl at the fact I might have a crush."Oi of course he does!" Aomine~kun said. "I know he does it's a mother institution." Himuro~kun said. I pouted.they started giggling about how cute it is that I have a crush on him."N-n-no i-i don't have a c-c-crush on him!" Damnit I strutted yep it official I'm screwed. "Omg Kurokocchi does!" Kise~kun was hopping around in joy when he heard my words." Testu I'm say this in a friend way okay?" Aomine~kun then whispered in my ear "your a bottom ." I blushed tomato red which is really rare for me and it turns out himuro~kun and kise~kun heard what aomine~kun said because they nodded. I started to speed walk away from them. Ugh I'm so embarrassed. Yeah I know I'm a bottom but don't say it to my face! He probably doesn't even like me that way....
(Time skip)(inside Yuki-onna clan palace)

I walked into my home and was blushed red from embarrassment. The others left me alone since they think they have done enough. My parents were surprised when they saw me flushed red. Since I normally don't show my emotions."tetsuya what's wrong?" My father glacon kuroko asked. "Nothing father." They didn't seem convinced." Sweetie where were you today?" My mother hiver kuroko asked in a concern voice.i sighed and just gave up and told them everything. They looked happy?why? "Your not mad?" I asked. "Heavens no!" My mother said."I always knew you were a bottom." My father chuckled. I went beet red again"A-a-am not!" I whispered yell."this is great honey!" My mother whispered to my father and showed him something on their phone.i was gonna ask until my mother started typing something with a smile on her face."tetsuya tomorrow we're gonna meet the Phoenix clan here at 6:00p.m okay?" He said. I looked nervous"do you think akashi~kun would like me back?" They both laugh." With the ass I gave you I would be surprised if he didn't!" My mother said laughing. I blushed beet red at my mother's comment. Is my- nope nope not gonna look and see. "Don't worry son as long you wear what we give you tommorow he won't be able to his eyes off "the gift your mother gave you." I blushed a shade of red no one has seen before. Why? Why must be so embarrassing! "We should tell flamme and fummé akashi!"( Don't know akashi parents real name so made it up)(flamme:flame fummé:smoke french)
"WHAT WHY?" I yelled. They turn their heads to me and smiled"Well they should know seijuro is there son so.." my mother said."B-b-but won't they be MAD?" I asked nervous and furious."no they won't don't worry just go to bed and wait till tomorrow for your clothes to keep akashi eyes on the gift your mother gave you okay?" My father said in a confident voice. I blushed red and went to my room brushed my teeth change into my nightwear and went to sleep nervous and anxious about the clothing my parents are gonna give me tomorrow.

( The video is just for fun)

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