Chapter Seven

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Sam arrives in the gardens five minutes to six, arms crossed. By now, both Sapphire and I are regretting skipping out on lunch. The sun beats down on us, and our movements are sluggish as Sapphire carries bags of soil over her back and I push a wheelbarrow full of harvested crops. I nearly crash into it as I set it down when we approach Sam, who looks at us with a stern expression. We must look as exhausted as we feel though, because he goes easy on us. "I didn't see you at lunch, Imala. Nor did I see you, Sapphire. Where were you?"

Sapphire smiles, and I'm amazed at how much energy she has after working so hard in the gardens all day. "Well," She begins, sliding the bag of soil off her back and rubbing her hands together, dirt flaking off the gloves as she removes them. "We were so immersed in our work we lost track of time. By then we didn't feel hungry, so we decided to keep working. I hope that doesn't bother you," She added. Sam grins at her, a grin I've never seen before.

His tone changes. "Of course not, Sapphire. But," He steps closer to her, and I'm beginning to feel like I'm intruding on a private conversation. "Lunch is the most important meal of the day." Sam looks her up and down, and she cocks an eyebrow.

"Is it?" She asks. Her tone changes too, and I realize I am definitely intruding on something. I don't know why, but I feel a pang of envy. I'm not sure if it's because Sam is being nice to Sapphire, or if it's the way he's treating her that makes me feel this way, but no matter what, I don't like them talking to each other in that tone. It doesn't feel right. Not that I have good judgement when it comes to anything like this, anyway.

Coriolanus talked to you like that, a small voice in my head says. I shake it away and clear my throat. "Should we, um, get going to dinner?" I ask, and clearly I break the tension between the two of them. Sapphire steps away, straightening her already pin-straight shirt and nodding to me, a bit flushed. Sam seems perplexed, then turns to me, moving his tongue across his teeth in annoyance.

"Right. Dinner," He starts, holding his arm out toward the elevator. "Ladies first," He says. Sapphire passes him, and I start, but not before he's already walking. I roll my eyes and trail behind the two of them onto the elevator. I guess I'm an exception when it comes to ladies.

We enter the somber dining hall, and Sapphire excuses herself to talk to a few of the other gardeners. Sam and I enter the line, and turnip stew is sloshed into our bowls. I grimace. The food in District 13 is blander than I thought it would be. With fresh vegetables and livestock, it doesn't make sense for everything to be so unsatisfactory. I think back to twelve, how everything was freshly made and savory. Then I remember how sparse food was and stop my brooding.

We take our usual spot, Philip joining us. He's less energized than normal, exhausted from the day's training. He seems to dislike the turnip stew, because he twirls his spoon around before taking small bites. Food is still precious, and I want to build my strength, so I eat it all up straight away. Skipping lunch may not have been the best of ideas. Sam and Philip engage in conversation, and I choose not to participate, instead observing the dining hall. Everyone in thirteen has the same pale, sunken skin, people my age looking older than they are. Of course they do. They spent their childhoods in the middle of a warzone, many of them losing their parents. I'm no longer surprised by Sam's mature appearance.

The dining hall is buzzing with chatter, everyone immersed in discussions and talking about their days. There isn't much for them to talk about, I realize, because everyone is on a routine schedule. Maybe I misinterpreted Sapphire's kindness. She's probably bored out of mind, working with the same people day in and day out. It's not like an entirely new person comes in every day. I must be the first in months, maybe years.

Suddenly, a loud burst of sound blares through the dining hall, a melody echoing throughout the entire room. Upon closer hearing, I realize it's not just any song, it's Panem's anthem.

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