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                         SCENE IX

(It's dark and Ji Won is at the hospital waiting for the Doctor outside the ward. She's very restless and scared and is walking restlessly from one end of the wall to the other. Joon runs with full speed to meet Ji Won)

JOON: Where's Jae Hwa??

JI WON: (she's very frightened) she's... She's inside

JOON: How?? What happened?

JI WON: She fell

JOON: She fell?? (Feels very angry) How did she fall? Did she slip or what?

JI WON: She just fell when I collected her phone. I thought she was joking until she starting to shout in pain.

JOON: Why on earth did you collect her phone Ji Won?

JI WON: I thought she was lieing about not chatting with you and I wanted to check. If she had just given it to me when I asked, I would never have used force.

JOON: You used force Ji Won. You used force and you hurt my poor sister, she isn't even feeling well yet because you burnt her hand last night. I... (The Doctor comes out and Joon runs to him) Doctor!!! Doctor how's my sister?

DOCTOR: Your sister is fine. She has regained consciousness but she'll have to stay here for twenty four hours.

JOON: Okay, thank you soo much Doctor. Can I go and see her now?

DOCTOR: Mr Donald, you need to take care of your sister carefully from now on. If this goes on, it may affect her mentally.

JOON: Okay Doctor, I'll make sure this never happens again. (He looks at Ji Won) Thank you soo much Doctor.

DOCTOR: You're welcome. (Joon goes inside the ward)

JOON: Jae!! (He goes to her. She is seen laying on the bed and is receiving a drip) Are you alright? (She nods to show positivity. They both smile and Ji Won comes in)

JI WON: How are you doing now Jae Hwa?

JOON: Oh!! Now you suddenly care, after burning her with hot water and pushing her hard, you suddenly care right?

JAE HWA: Joon!! I'm fine and it's not her fault, it was all an accident.

JI WON: Yes Joon, none of this is my fault

JOON: You're right, it's my fault

JI WON: Just send her back to America and we can continue living our lives they way we used to. She's just intruding and I don't like it

JOON: So you don't like my sister?

JI WON: I'm sorry Joon, I have tried to like her but she just keeps getting in between us, just look, we're arguing again because of her and...

JOON: (cuts in) So you've been hurting my sister all this while because you don't like her. Just listen to yourself Ji Won, I never thought you would ever turn to this. It's over. From this day onward, there's nothing between the two of us. Now go to my house, pack your things and leave.

JI WON: What?? What are you saying Joon??

JAE HWA: Joon!!

JOON: Stay out of this Jae. (Faces Ji Won) I'm breaking up with you Ji Won.

JI WON: You can't do this to me Joon, just because of your sister. Just send her away and we can have our happy lives back.

JOON: Can you imagine?? You're still asking me to send my sister away.

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